Page 110 of Head Over Heels
Chapter Twenty-One
Okay, so she was nervous. Sophie didn’t have a lot of experience meeting the parents. She kind of stayed away from meeting the parents. But here she was, dressed in a pretty red and white print sundress, ready to meet Ryder’s entire family.
She stared at the door leading into the big frame house where he’d grown up. Ryder’s childhood home appeared as idyllic as he’d claimed. The two-story home was white with black trim, with a big wraparound porch. It looked exactly what it was, a family home in small-town America.
Completely foreign to her. Everyone who mattered to Ryder was behind that door. She attempted to tug her hand from his, but he tightened his hold as he moved to open the door.
Right before he did, she experienced a swell of panic. “Ryder.”
He turned to look at her. “What’s wrong?”
She shook her head. “Nothing . . . but . . .”
He shifted, curled his hand behind her neck, and brushed his mouth over hers. “Trust me. They’re going to love you.”
She clutched at his arm. She couldn’t believe how nervous she was. Butterflies didn’t dance in her stomach; they were slamming around in there like it was the headbangers’ ball. “Okay.”
He kissed her again.
She closed her eyes, loving the feel of his mouth on hers, wanting it to soak in before she had to be proper for the next five hours.
So, of course, his mom opened the door.
He lifted his head and turned his attention to the older woman with shoulder length chestnut hair and amused blue eyes. He flashed her a grin. “Hey, Mom.”
She raised a brow. “I thought I heard you.”
Sophie flushed to the roots of her hair. Oh dear God.
Still holding her hand, he tilted his head at her. “This is Sophie.”
“I’d hope so, all things considering.” Her expression appeared amused, but Sophie really had no idea.
She cleared her throat and held out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Moore.”
The older woman waved her hand away and held out her arms, laughing. “None of that.” Then she swept Sophie up in a big hug. “I’m so glad you came.”
Sophie immediately relaxed and hugged the other woman back. “Thanks for having me.”
Ryder’s mom released Sophie before waving a hand. “And please, call me Catherine. Even after thirty-six years of marriage, Mrs. Moore still makes me feel like my mother-in-law. Come on in.”
They walked into an airy foyer with taupe walls and white trim.
Catherine pointed down the hall. “We’re all out back.”
The house was modern, light and happy. While Sophie had a hard time picturing the man who did such devious things to her as a boy, she had no trouble seeing raising a family in such a place.
“Your house is lovely,” Sophie said, her tone polite.
“Thank you.” Catherine craned to peer back at her. “We’ll give you a proper tour later, after you’ve met everyone.”
“I’d like that,” Sophie said, following the older woman.
Ryder gave her fingers a little squeeze. In response, she squeezed back, realizing what a couple thing it was to do. That somehow, in the last month Ryder had become her significant other, an unexpected turn of events she still wasn’t ready to think about. Later she would, but for now she’d focus on having fun and getting a glimpse into the boy he’d been and the family he came from.
They walked through a large, open kitchen—with a table big enough to hold a family of five nestled into an eating nook—before exiting out the back door and onto a spacious deck.
Three sets of eyes turned to look at her from an outdoor table covered by an umbrella.