Page 111 of Head Over Heels
Ryder’s dad smiled at her with the same silver eyes as his son, but his hair was a light dirty blond touched with gray. Except for the coloring, it was like staring at a future version of Ryder. “Well, hello there.”
Ryder tugged her forward. “Hey, Dad. This is Sophie.” He turned to Sophie and made a gesture that encompassed the whole table. “This is my dad, Ron and my two sisters.” He pointed to a striking woman with long dark hair and light silvery-blue eyes, maybe a few years younger than Sophie. “This is Jessica.” Then he pointed at a honey-blond girl with blue eyes like her mom’s. “And Hailey.”
Ryder’s sisters were gorgeous. Absolute stunners.
This was one beautiful family, and all of them had clearly hit the genetic jackpot.
Sophie smiled at them. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Come on, let’s go sit.” Catherine walked over to the table and took a seat next to Ryder’s dad.
They did, and as soon as Sophie got comfortable, Jessica leaned over the table. Her unusual eyes sparkled with amusement. “So you’re the one.”
“The one?” Sophie asked, feeling a rush of nerves again.
Jessica laughed. “The one that’s got my brother calling and asking what to bring you to eat.”
Sophie shrugged. “What can I say? He’s a good neighbor.”
Ryder rolled his eyes. “Let’s get her something to drink before you grill her.”
Catherine gestured to the cart next to the table. “What can we get you, Sophie?”
“I’m not at all picky. I’ll take whatever’s closest.”
There were a few minutes of drinks being passed, filled with polite, slightly awkward chitchat. Next time Sophie looked down, a big glass of vodka splashed with lemonade was plopped in front of her.
“I figured it might help take the edge off.” Hailey winked, pointing at the pale drink. “This meeting-the-family stuff is hell.”
Sophie laughed. “It’s not the most relaxed I’ve ever been.”
Jessica picked up her own pale drink and leaned back in her chair. “That’s why anytime a guy I’m dating gets any ideas, I instantly break up with him.”
Catherine clucked her tongue. “Don’t listen to her. She’s terrible.”
Ryder scowled. “Yeah, don’t give her ideas, Jess.”
Jessica grinned at Sophie, shrugging. “What can I say, I’m terminally commitment-phobic.”
“For no good reason.” Catherine shook her head, giving her oldest daughter an exasperated glare. “You grew up with two loving parents and a stable home.”
“I like my freedom,” Jessica said.
“Yeah, Mom, she don’t need no man,” Hailey added.
Catherine huffed. “You girls.”
Hailey put her crossed arms on the table and said to Sophie, “So tell us everything about you. And we do mean everything.”
Sophie ran her hand over her glass. “Well, okay, let’s see. I’m thirty-one, I live in Chicago, I work in public relations and marketing, I’m an only child and my parents are eccentric, meditating Buddhists that travel the world.” She turned to Ryder. “I think that sums it up, don’t you?”
Ryder put his hand on the back of her chair. “Not even close.”
Hailey turned to her brother. “And what would you add?”
Ryder gave Sophie a once-over and she had to admit she was curious about his answer. “She’s smart, funny, high-spirited, and never, ever boring.”
Sophie’s heart did a quick pitter-pat before she about melted into his gaze. She beamed at him. “Thank you.”