Page 146 of Head Over Heels
His whole body stilled and she saw the surprise flash across his features before they softened. “I love you too, Sophie.”
Her eyes welled with tears. “I’ve never been in love before.”
“Me either.”
She half laughed and sobbed. “It totally sucks.”
He laughed too, before smiling. “It totally does.”
She tilted her head, and he kissed her.
It was soft and sweet for about thirty seconds before it turned raw and demanding, hinting at desperation. He pulled away, leveraging up and peeling her jeans off before pushing his jeans down his hips.
She’d think about everything else later. Right now all she cared about was him inside her, taking her, claiming her. Making her his.
In this moment, all she wanted was to pretend it was easy.
So she did, and when he slid inside her she felt at home.
* * *
They pulled into their separate driveways and got out of their cars, and just stood there, staring at each other.
Ryder shoved his keys into his pocket and gazed at her. Her mouth was swollen from when he’d kissed her, her hair disheveled. When they’d returned to the table, they’d received a lot of sly glances because it didn’t take a genius to figure out what they’d been doing, but no one made any comments.
As mind-blowing as the sex had been, that wasn’t what floored him. He’d been shocked she’d told him she loved him. It was the last thing he’d ever expected. He’d known, of course, because only love could make someone as miserable as they’d been, but he’d never thought she’d admit it. Or even recognize it.
Love wasn’t easy for Sophie. And as much as the primal part of him was satisfied with hearing her say those three little words, the rational man knew they still had a lot to talk about.
She took a deep breath and seemed at a loss for what to do.
So he crooked his finger and said, “You coming with me, darlin’?”
She glanced at his house, an expression of longing washing over her features that took the air right out of his lungs. She clutched at the strap of her purse and bit her lip.
He tightened, prepared for her rejection.
She swallowed and stepped toward him. “I have to tell you something.”
Dread settled tight in his stomach. “What’s that?”
She squared her shoulders. “I have an interview for the job on Tuesday.”
It was like a kick in the stomach.
Not even for tonight could he pretend she wouldn’t be leaving. That there was nothing he’d be able to do about it. Regardless of what he did, if he stayed away from her or not, it was going to gut him. Denying himself wouldn’t save him. Nothing could save him. So he nodded. “Are you coming with me?”
She blinked. “You still want me?”
He walked over to her and slid one arm around her waist and the other around her neck. He dipped down and brushed his lips over hers. “I will always want you, Sophie. You’re a part of me now, and there’s nothing I can do about it.”
Tears spilled over her cheeks and she rose to tiptoes to press herself against him. “I’m sorry.”
She buried her face in his neck and he held her tight. He kissed her temple. “We sure made a mess of things, didn’t we?”
She nodded. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Soph.” Sometimes it wasn’t enough, and maybe this was one of those times. She still didn’t seem inclined to talk about a future, but he could make this offer, to show his support. “Do you want me to come with you to Chicago Monday?”