Page 147 of Head Over Heels
She pulled back and searched his face. “You’d do that for me?”
He rubbed his thumb over her lower lip. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”
Something eased in her expression before her face clouded over once again. She shook her head. “This is something I need to do alone.”
He didn’t question her, just accepted this was what needed to be done. “Just as long as you know you don’t have to do it alone.”
“I know. The offer means everything. Thank you.”
“Sophie.” He took a deep breath and told her the truth. “I want a future with you. I don’t want to be without you. If you want, I’ll move to Chicago with you. You going back home doesn’t have to be the end.”
Instead of her expression easing, she frowned. “Can we talk about it when I get back?”
His chest tightened. “Do you promise we will?”
“I promise.”
He’d let himself have this weekend. Let her do what she needed to do in Chicago, but then when she got back they’d have it out and see where they stood. He’d move. He loved her enough to move. He loved her more than Revival. He could make it work. “Tonight will you sleep in my bed?”
She kissed him, long and deep and soul-searching before pulling back to whisper against his lips, “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
He took her hand. “Then come with me.”
And she did.