Page 10 of The Coldest Season
The man slams his hands on the table. “I’m not talking about you, and you know it. I’m referring to the Costa with a dick between their legs.”
“Well haven’t you heard, Nino, I have the biggest balls in this room,” Lucia leans back in amusement, her hand on the thigh of the woman still sitting in her lap.
Maximo roars with laughter.
The Nino man turns red, swiping his hand across the table and sending cards flying everywhere as he gets to his feet.
He points a long finger at Maximo. “You and that bitch cousin of yours, you're not playing fair and you’re not getting a dime of my fucking money.”
“You’re right, I’m not getting a dime, I’m getting a quarter of a million,” Maximo says.
I’m not sure if it’s the casualty of which Maximo speaks to him, clearly unimpressed, or if the man realizes he’s about to be out a good sum of money.
But when he flies across the table, fist first, I’m not surprised.
Iamsurprised when I instinctively step in front of Maximo, receiving a fist right to the face.
Vito Bianchi insists that I start a lot of trouble.
And for once, he’s not wrong.
I love chaos.
I love pushing people.
I lovetestingloyalty, especially when the subject is unaware of the test.
Which is why I have to hide my smile as I watch Enzo move in front of me. His head snaps to the side as Nino’s balled fist connects with his face. I get the slightest glimpse of blood before Enzo is driving his shoulder into the man’s abdomen, sending him flying across the room.
Enzo’s body goes rigid as Reno stands, pointing a finger at him. He and Nino are family through marriage and rivals of mine through the loss of money. But honestly, who can blame me when they're the ones who keep showing up to these games knowing they play like shit?
Reno charges at Enzo, who moves with such quick and short movements that I nearly miss him taking Reno’s leg right from under him.
And then the room erupts into chaos, all while I sit back and watch.
Lucia and Polo are the only people I know who like to stir up more shit than me. And from the way Lucia shoves her flavor of the day off her lap, I know she’s been waiting for something to break off.
The girl lands on the floor with a yelp and Lucia steps right over her as she charges Nino, who’s gotten up off the floor. She slams her foot right into his knee. He lets out a groan as his knee buckles in and he stumbles.
Lucia grabs him by the head, bringing it downward as her knee flies upward. Blood splatters out of his nose. He reaches out forLucia’s ankle but she dodges him easily, slamming her fist right in the side of his jaw.
A flash of movement in the corner of my eye draws my attention to Polo. He casually slams a liquor bottle over the head of one of Reno’s friends, glass shattering all over the floor. He tosses the remainder of the top to the side before pulling at his dark vest, fixing any wrinkles. He looks up, his eye catching mine before he gives me a wink.
I sit back, enjoying the chaos of it all. My eyes continue to wander over to Enzo and to say I like what I see would be an understatement.
I fucking love it.
Angry, violent,unhinged.
And all mine to corrupt further.
It takes Enzo a moment to realize there’s no one left to fight and when he does, he turns toward me, chest heaving. His eyes are dark and the tension in his muscles indicates that he’d be ready to continue fighting if someone so much as sneezes in his direction.
Lucia steps over one of the fallen men, making her way to the bar. She picks up a bottle of vodka, popping the cap off of it and taking a swig. She looks down at Nino’s limp body, letting out a chuckle. “Let's blow this joint,” she says, her eyes moving to mine. “I’ve got to get to work.”
Enzo turns to look at me and I give a sharp nod of my head.