Page 11 of The Coldest Season
Lucia leads the way out of the building, Polo’s arm wrapped around her shoulder. Daylight invades my vision as she throws the door open, and I turn my head slightly.
“What time is it? Giovanni will throw a hissy fit if I’m late to my briefing with him and Vito.”
“As if you care about such things,” Polo says, planting a playful kiss on her cheek. She pushes him away and he only laughs.
“Keep your lips off of me, and stay out of my business, Messano,” she tells him. “Don’t you need to run and see what Lorenzo needs?” she taunts.
Polo only smiles at her, shaking her head. “Unlike some of you, I actually like and respect my boss.”
“Just go ahead and fuck him already,” I tell him, pulling my keys out of my pocket. Polo is one of the only tolerable people in this world, but his eagerness to please and listen to Lorenzo is something I’ve never understood.
He pushes a hand through his hair, letting the dark locks fall from its ponytail. “Sorry, but I only swing one way and even if I didn’t, I wouldn’t fuck Lorenzo. He isn’t pretty enough.”
“But his fiancé is, isn’t she?” I ask, raising a brow at him.
I watch as his body tenses and Lucia catches it as well, grinning. She prowls closer to him, invading his space. “Yeah, how is the lovely Daria?”
Polo’s whole mood changes, his lips pinch and his shoulders bunch. I guess being in love with the fiancé of the man you're most loyal to does that to you.
“I’ve got to go,” he says, turning on his heels and making his way toward his red Ferrari.
“Sure you do,” I call after him.
He only holds up his middle finger in answer. I watch as he flies out of the alleyway, gunning his engine.
“I really need to go before Giovanni starts calling-” before Lucia can get the sentence completely out, her phone is ringing, the shrill pitch cracking through the air.
She huffs a breath, rolling her eyes.
I glance at Enzo standing off to the side. His body is still tense and I can’t read his face, his gaze off in the distance.
“Yeah, it’s time for us to go too,” I tell Lucia, waving a hand. Enzo’s gaze snaps to the movement before moving up to my face. I grin. “Let's go, soldier boy.”
Two days later and I’m still having a problem shaking off the wild energy from my outing with Maximo.
There was a certain uncontained thrill that shot through me at the poker game when the fight broke off. It was different from what I was used to. No particular orders, no guns, no procedure.
Just me, my fist… and Maximo.
Watching me, observing my every move, the glint of approval in his eyes. It’d been like a shot of adrenaline right to my veins.
And it still hasn’t worn off, even though I haven’t actually seen Maximo in the last forty-eight hours.
I’ve been sitting in my room, waiting for someone to come in and tell me what’s next. What is it that I’m actually going to be doing if I’m allowed to stay here.
But instead, I’ve only gotten maids coming into my room three times a day, bringing food and clothes, and asking if there’s anything that I need.
My answer is always no. But in my head, it’s a solid yes because IneedMaximo.
It’s illogical, I know it is. I don’t know much about the man after all, other than the fact that he’s impulsive and combustible. But he haunts my every waking thought, and even my unconscious ones.
Dark, sordid, hot fantasies of the way that I’d let him-
The sound of my doorknob turning breaks me from my thoughts and my head snaps up, my skin warm and my heart beating far too quickly. The maid has already been in for breakfast and it shouldn't quite be time for lunch yet.
Anticipation moves through me and I keep my gaze pinned on the door as it opens, expecting Maximo.