Page 25 of Coming Home
On the other hand, I want nothing to do with being around the man who destroyed my heart, especially living with him. I'mnot sure I could handle seeing what a life with him could be like, knowing that isn't my future.
“I get it… the offer always stands though.” He runs his hand through his hair, making it stick up in every direction. “I guess I better go get ready for our training. I’ll see you later… Can you actually find me before you leave? I have something for you.”
“Yeah. I’ll look for you.” I smile, but it doesn’t reach my eyes and I know it. Things are so awkward and it’s making me regret taking this job, but it was the opportunity of a lifetime and I didn’t want to pass it up.
Wyatt stares at me for a few more seconds before he nods his head and turns in the opposite direction. I let out a long breath and try to focus back on work. I need to be as professional as possible while in the clubhouse because I don’t want to be viewed as the girl who’s only here to flirt with the players. I don’t want rumors spreading about me, or players wondering if I'm really qualified to help them, or if I only got this job because of who I know. Though I don’t think Owen would put up with anyone treating me as less than a professional hired to help them with physical therapy.
“So… that was interesting. What’s going on between the two of you?” Brent motions to Wyatt’s retreating back.
“Nothing is going on between us,” I say simply. I think I'm going to operate under the don’t ask, don’t tell philosophy when it comes to Wyatt. The less people know about it the better.
“Now, but what about before?” Brent arches a brow and waits for me to answer.
“Once upon a time, Wyatt was my best friend. Things happened and we’ve barely spoken to each other since I graduated high school.”
“That wasn’t secretive at all.” He chuckles. “I’m going to respect you clearly not wanting to share it with me, for now at least. Let’s go find Gary, then I have to start meeting with players.”
Chapter 12
Sitting on the table, I wait as Dr. Walker takes my blood pressure. I saw the way he was looking at Charlie and I don’t like it. Brent and I have always gotten along, but I think that’s about to change.
“Your blood pressure is normal, but slightly high for where it typically is for you. Is something going on? Anything bothering you?” He stares at me a little too intently for my liking.
“Nope. Everything is great.” I keep my tone bored and uninterested.
“I can't help you if I don’t know what’s going on, Wyatt.” He sighs like I'm being a difficult patient.
“There’s nothing foryouto help me with.” I stress the word you, trying to make sure he understands none of this is his business.
“Fine. Are you having any aches or pains?” His words are short and I can tell he’s annoyed with me, but I don’t care.
“Nah, my calves were tight last week, but Charlie was here touring the facility and she helped me out. It’s felt great since then.”
I'm being an ass. I'm silently staking my claim on her, but screw him. Brent needs to realize he can't stand in the way of Charlie and me. I'm not going to back down until there’s no chance of us getting back together. Basically, until she’s married or pregnant with someone else’s baby, there’s still a possibility of us ending up together.
Hell, if she got pregnant with someone else’s baby, but he doesn’t stick around, I'm still going to try. If the crew on Mulberry Lane has taught me anything, it’s that your DNA doesn’t matter. The people who created you don’t need to be the ones who raise you. And honestly, you might be better off without your birth parents.
Charlie was definitely better off without her sperm donor. My parents were great… until they died. I can't say with any sort of certainty that my life would be better or worse if they were still alive and I was never put into foster care, but I wouldn’t know Charlie, Blake, or Kennedy if they hadn’t died. I wouldn’t have the massive support system I currently have. I feel like a dick thinking about how different my life would be if my birth parents were still in it and realizing how much I don’t want my life to change.
Unless the change is having Charlie by my side. I’d welcome that in a second. If I could get her to date me again, I’d probably propose every chance I got until she said yes. I know Macy’s brother did that and he eventually won his wife over.
“You and Charlie have an… interesting relationship. You’re both kind of secretive about it and avoid answering questions, but you seem oddly close, yet have a strained relationship at the same time. It’s very odd.”
“I don’t think my personal relationships have anything to do with you checking to make sure I can physically play baseball.” I narrow my gaze on him.
“It does factor into you mentally being able to play the game,” he counters.
“Huh, that’s funny. I didn’t know you were a psychologist too.” Owen clamps his hand down on Brent’s shoulder and squeezes hard enough for Brent to grimace. I didn’t even know he was here, but I'm glad he is.
I knew I loved Owen for a reason. He doesn’t know boundaries and just inserts himself into people’s conversations without apology. I normally hate it, but today I'm enjoying it.
“I'm not, but I think it’s important for Wyatt to know if he’s not mentally in the game, it could affect his performance.” Brent glares at me, knowing Owen can't see it.
“Yeah, that’s true, but not somethingyoucan fix. Plus, he’s fine. Right, Wyatt?” He smirks, knowing exactly what’s going on. Brent wants to move in on my girl and I don’t want that to happen.
Owen pulled me aside last week after Charlie went back to California. He asked if Charlie working here was going to be an issuefor me. I assured him it wouldn’t, then he told me to cut the crap. He made me lay everything out for him.