Page 26 of Coming Home
I was surprised – though I really shouldn’t have been – to find out Owen knew exactly what had happened between Charlie and me. Of course he did. Not only is he good friends with Dad and Wes, but Cord and Cici were close friends with Charlie and me. Cici’s actually one of her best friends.
“Charlie isn't interested in dating any players. She made that clear on day one and I'm going to do everything in my power to keep the guys’ tongues in their mouths and make sure they’re on the best behavior around them.”
I nod my head. Though this is good, it’s not great for me. If players can't date her, that means I can't either. I wouldn’t be against moving to a new team if it means I could date Charlie again, but that would mean moving and taking myself further away from her.
“Wow, I knew you wouldn’t like that, but I didn’t think you’d look so destroyed.” Owen chuckles and shakes his head.
“I'm glad you’re enjoying this.”
“Only because I don’t plan on my rule applying to you. The two of you have history and if you decide to get back together, I'm not going to stand in the way of that.”
“I appreciate that, Owen.” And I sincerely do. He would be justified in saying there’s no dating within the organization no matter what. He’s doing me a solid by saying I can have myshot.
“But your relationship can't cause issues within the Pit Bulls. If it affects your game or relationship with other people, I’ll put an end to it.”
“That’s understandable.”
“Off the record… I want to see the two of you together again.” He sighs like a tired dad. “The two of you were always together. Everyone thought you’d be married by twenty and she’d be popping out babies before you even went pro. I swear you two broke my heart when you two split up. I don’t think either of you are over each other and I’d love nothing more than to see you find your way back to a strong relationship.”
“Thanks, Papa Owen.” I smirk. He always calls Parker ‘Papa Parker’ since he’s the sperm donor they used for Carrie to get pregnant with the twins.
“You’re a little shit, you know that? Hell, I wish I could force Cord and Macy back together again. I love that girl and she’s always kept Cord on his toes. He was always happier with her, just like you were with Charlie… Maybe I should just start locking you all in a closet with your exes and see what happens. Maybe you’ll pull the sticks out of your asses and work things out like the adults you pretend to be.”
I shake myself out of the memory and try to focus on the present. The sooner I'm done with Brent, the better everything will be.
“I’m perfectly fine mentally and physically. I just need a signature on my form so I can go begin springtraining.” I smirk at Brent, amusement lighting up my features. Not only does he know Charlie is mine, but now he also knows Owen is routing for us and is going to make Brent’s life difficult if he tries to step in and mess that up.
“I’m signing it,” he grumbles as he sweeps the pen across the paper and thrusts it in my direction.
“Thanks.” I take it and hop off of the table. Before I can get more than a few steps away, Owen stops me.
“Wyatt, I want you to go see Gary. I know your calves were bothering you last week. See if someone is available to continue stretching out your muscles. You know you’ll be going hard for the next two months. I don’t want your muscles to pay for it. The last thing I need is you getting an injury before the season even starts.”
“Sounds good, boss.” My smirk widens when Brent glares at me even more. If looks could kill, I’d be six feet under by now.
I walk into the physical therapy room with a little bit of a pep in my step. Owen just helped me more than I ever imagined he could. He’s given me an excuse to seek out Charlie daily.
After I make small talk to Gary, he tells me to go lay on the second table and he’ll have Charlie come over to see me. From the smirk on his face, I have a feeling Owen already spoke to him aboutthis. I wouldn’t be surprised if Owen has an entire game plan on how to make Charlie and me a couple again.
“Thanks, Gary. How have you been doing?” I stop to chat with the older man. He’s always been kind and has treated me with respect, even when I was new to the major league.
He glances around to make sure no one is around before he takes a step closer and lowers his voice. “Between you and me, not great. I'm having issues with my heart. I told Owen I don’t think I’ll be able to finish out the season, but I didn’t want to leave him high and dry for spring training.” He shakes his head and his eyes grow misty. “Owen’s an amazing boss and man. He’s giving me an unbelievable retirement package. I don’t deserve it and it’s definitely more than anyone should get. He said he doesn’t want me to worry about money and just wants me to take care of myself and my family. He’s literally an answer to our prayers.”
Gary drops his gaze and sniffles a few times. I don’t blame him. I know exactly how giving Owen can be and how he’s an unbelievable man. He’s not selfish like so many people think he is. He cares about loyal employees and makes sure they’re taken care of.
“If you ever need anything, please let me know. All of the guys would feel the same way. You’ve been there for us and helped us through injuries. You’ve encouraged us to keep going when we’ve wanted to give up. You deserve everything Owen is giving you and more.”
“Thanks, Wyatt.” Gary wraps me in a big hug and I can tell the man is struggling. I hate how he’s been going through all of this and has been keeping it a secret. I don’t want to break his trust and tell the guys, but I know all of them would want to know too. “Now, get your ass on the table before you make me cry. I swear I'm more emotional than I’ve ever been before.”
I slowly lower myself onto the table and place my face in the small cradle area. I’ve been on tables that don’t have a face hole and it sucks to lay on your stomach. You’re never really comfortable, but this is more like a massage table and it’s great.
I see a pair of Pit Bull tennis shoes appear under the table and I smirk to myself. It’s Charlie. I can tell by the small anchor anklet she’s wearing. I sent it to her for her birthday after we broke up. She never spoke to me about it other than a text simply saying ‘thank you’. I'm a little surprised she wears it since I gave it to her.
Her hands land on my upper back and she slowly begins massaging my muscles. It feels so good I let out a small moan and she chuckles.
“Are you supposed to massage the players?” I tease her.
“Well, I went to massage therapy school too. I figured I could work it into physical therapy and help people enjoy it a little more. I already spoke to Owen about giving the players massages to help them relax, especially during spring training. He loved the idea and is looking to hire other massage therapists, but of course he wants the best of the best.”