Page 58 of Coming Home
“Like what? He’s getting around the clock care by our best physical therapist.” Owen’s grin turns smug. I don’t think he likes Brent. At the very least, he wants Brent to know he doesn’t have a shot with Charlie.
“Around the clock care?” Brent’s eyebrows shoot up his forehead.
“Yeah… I wanted to talk to you about that, Owen. Is it an issue if we were to date?” Charlie fidgets uncomfortably. I don’t think it has anything to do with our relationship or discussing it with Owen, and everything to do with Brent witnessing this conversation.
“Fuck no! Hell, I might give you both a raise for finally getting your heads out of your asses and getting back together. Maybe you can have a talk with Macy and Cord too! They need to do the same thing!” Owen shakes his head.
“I thought there was no dating within the clubhouse.” Brent folds his arms over his chest again and glares at Owen.
“Well, they were together long before either one of them joined the Pit Bulls.” Owen shrugs. “I wouldn’t prevent a couple who was already together from working on the team, so I see no reason to prevent them from being together.”
“Seriously? I was going to ask her out and you told me I couldn’t!” Brent motions to Charlie.
“Because you can't. She has always and will always be Wyatt’s girl. She probably would’ve turned you down anyway.” Owen waves him off.
“He’s not wrong,” Charlie says softly, scrunching up her nose. Brent scowls at her, looking more than a little hurt. “I’ve been in love with him since I was… twelve? Maybe even younger.” She shrugs.
“Honestly, it makes everyone’s lives easier if they’re together. Everson won't try to murder anyone because it’s clear she’s taken, and Wes will owe me big time because I helped get them back together.” Owen smiles proudly.
“Oh, surprise, surprise. The dads are meddling again.” Charlie rolls her eyes. “I never would’ve guessed. Do you guys have a grouptext message? Do you text each other throughout the day and try to come up with new ways to force us together?”
“Yup! We’ve been doing it for a long time. Sometimes we even get together to braid each other’s hair and paint our nails. Those are always the best nights. Sometimes Blake even sprinkles some wood shavings in my hair like glitter.”
“That’s… an odd visual.” Wyatt chuckles.
“Can I be the one to tell Wes and Blake?” Owen steeples his hands in front of his chest as he begs.
“I guess. I mean even if I tell you no, it’s probably not going to stop you.”
“Not even for a second! Actually, I already wrote out the text, but I was waiting to press send until I asked you, not really caring what your answer would be.”
Owen grins down at his phone and types away. He chuckles and shakes his head, then begins typing again.
“See ya later.” Owen doesn’t even glance up as he walks away from us. If he runs into a wall, I'm going to crack up laughing.
“Well, it sounds like you don’t really need my help.” Brent folds his arms over his chest and narrows his gaze on us.
“You don’t need to be bitter.”
“I'm not bitter. I just don’t like the double standards going on. Powell has his little group of people who get away with anything and everything. I think it’s bullshit.”
“It’s not our fault we’ve known Owen for most of our lives. We worked our asses off and got offered jobs based on our job performance and nothing else. Don’t act like we got handed everything on a silver platter without working for it.”
“Yeah, I'm sure you worked really hard when your best friend’s daddy owns the team.” He rolls his eyes.
“Brent, I’d like to talk to you in private.” Charlie scowls at him and has her hands on her hips. She’s pissed and I know it. I have no doubt she’s about to ream him out. As much as I don’t want him anywhere alone with her, I'm not going to stop it. I know she can handle herself and if she needs help, she’ll ask for it.
Chapter 27
“What do you want, Charlie?” Brent leans his back against the wall and stares at me with a bored expression.
“I want you to stop it. I’ve never flirted with you or made you feel like you had a shot with me. I was kind, nothing else.”
“So, you’re saying you felt nothing the first time we met?” He raises a brow.
“No, but finding someone attractive or enjoying their company doesn’t mean you can be a dick because I'm dating someone else.”