Page 59 of Coming Home
“Don’t worry, I got it. What Everson wants, Everson gets.”
“That’s complete crap!Eversonhas worked his ass off for everything he’s accomplished in life. You can sit here and act like that isn't true, but you’re wrong. Wyatt’s spent thousands of hours on the baseball field. I know that because I was there with him most of the time. Every night after dinner, starting in elementary school, we’d go throw around the ball or if we could get enough people to play, we’d have a game. He worked with his dad, Leo, and hisuncle constantly. They honed their skills and pushed themselves as much as they could. After we met Cord, he joined in most days. So yes, Owen signed all three of them. Not because he knows them, but because they’ve proven they’re some of the best players in the country and he wanted them on his team. So don’t act like they don’t deserve to be here.”
“I'm sorry,” he says softly and he actually looks apologetic. “I wasn’t trying to offend anyone, I'm just frustrated.” He runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head. “I got out of a bad relationship a few months ago and you were the first woman I’ve been interested in since. You’re down to earth, sweet, and smart. I really like you and I thought it would be nice to get to know you better, but Wyatt swooped in almost immediately and tried to place his claim on you. It really pissed me off, especially with Owen rooting for you guys.”
“Wyatt and I broke up a lifetime ago, but we never really ended things. We didn’t get closure and neither one of us moved on.” I let out a long sigh and shake my head. This is almost embarrassing to admit. “Honestly, even if he lived on the other side of the country, I’m still not sure I would’ve gone out with you. It’s been eight years and I’ve turned down every guy who’s tried to ask me out.”
“Eight years?” His head snaps up and looks at me like I'm crazy.
“He didn’t date anyone either.” I wrinkle my nose, knowing this isn't goingto help.
“Damn, how do I find a woman like you so I can have a relationship like that?” He shakes his head and stares down at his shoes.
“Go back in time and be the sweetest ten-year-old boy to an eight-year-old girl?” I lift my shoulder in a shrug.
“He’s a lucky man. I think I need to meet women outside of work though. I can't compete with professional athletes.” He shakes his head.
“Not everyone wants a professional athlete, Brent. My best friend, Macy, broke up with Cord because she didn’t want to be with a major league baseball player. She had no desire to deal with cleat chasers or wondering if her boyfriend was being faithful when he was on the road. Plus, she really likes attention and that’s hard for him to give when he’s at an away game.” I chuckle. I love Macy to death, but I'm not sure Brent could handle her.
“Maybe I need to meet her sometime.”
“Yeah… but Cord might kill both of us then.” I grimace. “They’re not over each other either.”
“Do you have any friends who are single and not obsessed with an ex?” He smirks.
“Umm… Cici!”
“You mean my boss’s daughter?” Brent quirks a brow.
“Oh, right. Sorry.” I chuckle. “I’ll have to think about that and get back to you.”
“Hey, Charlie?” Smithy calls from the therapy room.
“I’m coming!” I turn back to Brent and offer him a sad smile. “I better get back out there and take care of my guys.”
I slip past Brent without another word and as soon as I enter the therapy room, there are eight sets of eyes on me. Wyatt’s still where I left him on the table. Leo and Cord are on either side of him with Smithy, Schmidt, Wheeler, Holden, and Covey surrounding them.
“Is everything ok?” I ask slowly, scanning each of their faces, trying to figure out what’s going on.
“Oh yeah, we’re great. We just really wanted you back out here and away from Brent.” Holden grins. He’s a new addition to my set of guys. He plays right field and was late to spring training because of an injury. He’s funny and down to earth, exactly the type of friend I like to have.
“Oh, will you leave the poor guy alone!” I smack his stomach with the back of my hand and move to Wyatt. “Lay back, I'm going to stretch you out a little.”
I wait while Wyatt scoots up the table and then lifts his leg and begins doing gentle stretches. It’s been a few days since he was injured. Every night I work with him on light workouts and I help him stretch during the day. Anything to get him back on the field.
Wyatt hisses as I push his bent knee higher into his chest.
“Where does it hurt?”
“My knee, but my hamstring is sore too.”
“Ok, flip onto your stomach.” I step back and wait for Wyatt to move, but then I realize all the guys are watching me. “Shouldn’t you be doing something?”
“We are. We’re making sure Everson is taken care of.” Wheeler smirks.
“Taken real good care of,” Smithy adds.
“Oh my gosh! Go away.” I swat at him again before I push Wyatt’s shorts higher up his thigh and begin massaging him. “I took plenty good care of him last night,” I mutter under my breath, making the guys hoot and holler.