Page 49 of Avenging Angel
“Eat hearty,” I muttered to my customers as I hightailed it behind the bar.
Jessie had already cottoned on and, still mixing drinks, smoothly transitioned to take a position closer to Luna, who had left the espresso machine to stand opposite the bar from her parents.
This had to do with moral support.
It also had to do with being closer and hearing better.
What could we say?
The whole place was filled with busybodies (except Otis, he was the kind ofIf you want me to know, you’ll tell meguy).
“Hey, guys,” I greeted when I got there.
Scott shot a grim smile at me.
Louise gave me a weak wave and said, “Hi there, honey.”
Oh boy.
I approached Luna. “I’m on the coffees. What we got?”
“Another dirty for Byron. An iced skinny vanilla, sugar free, for the chick in the basket chair.”
“Got it,” I said and moved to the espresso maker to finish up Byron’s dirty chai and the skinny vanilla latte with sugar free syrup she’d started.
And I tried not to brazenly listen in, but that was difficult with the machine gurgling loudly. At least I wasn’t steaming milk. That would make it impossible.
“Sorry to disturb you at work, sweetie,” Louise was saying. “But we need a family meeting.”
“We need an intervention,” Scott corrected.
“It’s not that bad,” Louise snapped.
“She owes us over seven thousand dollars. It’s that bad,” Scott snapped back.
Oh Lord.
“Is this about Dream?” Luna asked after the obvious.
“She’s pregnant again,” Scott announced.
“Whoa doggies,” Jessie muttered as she put back the bottle of rum next to me, then loitered there for better eavesdropping positioning.
“Feather isn’t even six months old,” Luna noted irritably.
“A woman is fertile within weeks of delivery, snook’ums,” Louise noted.
Louise, by the by, was proficient in endearments. Her daughter had a vocabulary of maybe twenty thousand more words than the average person. Louise had the same in sweet nothings she’d call you.
“This is unbelievable,” Luna groused.
“My sentiments exactly,” Scott agreed.
“Babies are wonderful,” Louise said.
“The girl doesn’t have a job,” Scott returned. “If it wasn’t for the ACA, she wouldn’t have insurance to birth those babies.”
“Scott,” Louise said soothingly.