Page 50 of Avenging Angel
“She’s into me for over fifteen hundred,” Luna told them, and I whirled around, because this was news to me.
“Say what?” I demanded.
Luna turned to me and pressed down both her hands in front of her. “Cool it, sister. I didn’t tell you because I knew it’d piss you off.”
“Damn straight,” I replied. “I take it this isn’t money she owes you for babysitting her kids all the time.”
Luna shook her head slowly.
I harrumphed.
“Raye, they’re my niece and nephew,” she explained. “What would you do?”
I got her.
But tarot readings, Reiki and cupping, not to mention acupuncture, IV therapy, the occasional séance and entry to taco festivals cost cake, so Luna wasn’t just helping to keep those cute kids in cloth diapers.
Sadly, she knew that better than me.
“You’re part of the family, Raye. You need to be in on this intervention,” Scott declared.
I loved he thought that, and he was not wrong.
I’d moved to Phoenix when I was nineteen and met Luna at my first job working at J. Crew, which meant I’d only known them for eight years. But Luna and I had been thick as thieves from the moment we bonded while folding T-shirts on a board my first day.
And Scott and Louise adopted everybody, and I was no exception.
I spent holidays with them, just sayin’.
Louise pressed her lips together.
I had so many things to say to Dream, I didn’t hesitate to accept his invitation.
“Tell me when and where, and I’m there.”
Scott nodded his satisfaction with my response because Scott was Luna in dude form, so he and I were tight.
“She’s in a delicate way right now,” Louise said, hinting at why Dream was like Dream was.
Louise was a pushover, and Dream was pushy.
“Women drop kids while working in rice paddies or dragging buckets of water three miles home from the closest well,” Luna stated. “Dream can be knocked up and sit in the living room she grew up in and hear some home truths.”
“Word on that, sister,” I chimed in, just as my phone vibrated in my (today, mint green, it clashed righteously with the black, knee-length tank dress with the side slit I was wearing) server apron.
Even if I hoped it was Cap, saying something like,thinking of you, can’t wait for tonight, I ignored it due to the sitch at hand.
“She needs a job, she needs to learn responsibility, and she needs to get those deadbeats to pay for the babies they made,” Scott proclaimed.
“Right on, brother,” I cheered.
Louise looked uncomfortable, ormoreuncomfortable, and I knew why.
None of those guys had signed on to be baby daddies.
Sure, they got the good stuff, and everyone on the planet above a certain age knew how babies were made, so if you didn’t want one, you took precautions.
But we all knew Dream was Dream, and honest to God, I wouldn’t put it past her to tell them she had things covered when she didn’t in times she was ready to pop out another kid.