Page 106 of Final Truth
“But then I figured maybe it’s time they lost something. Somethingrealimportant.” His bleary gaze bored into hers. “Like you.”
“If you harm me, they’ll track you down like a dog. You’ll never get a penny of the money you want.”
He yanked her close. “How would they know? That deputy doesn’t know I broke into the clinic. He doesn’t know I was in your cabin. Andno oneknows I’m here right now.”
He twisted his hand free of her hair. “I think...I want you on your knees.”
Jolie’s heart crawled up her throat. She fingered the crackers she held. Fisted her hand tighter, crushing them to powder.Please, let this be enough.
All she needed was a few seconds’ head start. He could never catch her if she could just get away. Could he?
At the corner of the cabin she caught a flash of movement.
On her other side she caught a glimpse of Dolly, who stood a few yards from the porch with her ears pinned, her jaws working furiously, and her head weaving to and fro like a charmed snake.Come on, Dolly—bite him. Do something!
Backing up another half step, Jolie felt the corner of the porch railing at her hips. Abe towered over her, a mass of muscle, overpowering strength and pure rage.
This is it.
“On your knees,” he roared, lunging for her neck.
She caught the tips of his fingers and lurched forward, forcing all her weight against them until his fingers cracked. Then shoved the salty cracker crumbs into his eyes, grinding them in with the heel of her hand. She’d dropped most of them, but it was still enough.
He screamed.
And suddenly he was flying backward off the porch, landing in an ungainly heap in the dirt. He’d barely hit the ground at Dolly’s feet before she spat a glob of reeking, partly digested grass and saliva into his face.
Abe howled, scrubbed at his face with his hands. Then rolled over and retched.
Stunned, Jolie stared down at him.
Then she turned and found herself looking up at Matt.
He was breathing hard, and worry etched his face. “I got here as fast as I could,” he growled. “When Mandy called, I must have hit eighty in the next breath.”
“I...I didn’t hear you drive in,” she said hoarsely.
He reached up and gently smoothed back her tangled hair. Then pulled her close, tucking her head beneath his chin. “I was afraid he might do something crazy if he saw me coming. My truck is down the lane. I ran through the woods and circled behind the house.”
Beneath her cheek, she could hear his thundering heartbeat and ragged breathing. “But how did she know?”
“She said she went to Rafe’s office and found the doll Abe hurled through your clinic window. When you mentioned its bright red hair, she started to worry. Sure enough—it wasone she’d had as a child. Then she saw her dad head in this direction.”
The distant wail of a siren echoed through the towering peaks above them. “Rafe?”
“I called him on the way here. Mandy was so rattled, she didn’t think about 911. it’s just lucky she rememberedmynumber.”
Abe groaned and tried to lurch to his feet, but his left leg gave out beneath him and he fell again with a cry of pain.
“I guess he won’t be running away,” Jolie murmured. “But I’m not going near him until Rafe has him in handcuffs.”
Matt grimaced. “I’m not sure even Rafe will want to get close. Dolly certainly has”
“Maybe she figured I was one of the lambs she used to guard.” She gave a short laugh. “Or just found it disgusting to have a man like Abe land at her feet.”
Jolie pulled away and looked up into Matt’s face. The depth of emotion she saw there nearly took her breath away.
But then his expression changed—grew distant, reminding her that adrenaline and the after-effects of danger had drawn them into each other’s arms. Nothing more.