Page 107 of Final Truth
“Jolie, I—”
Rafe’s truck shot into sight and came to a brake-slamming halt in the clearing. He was out the door, his gun drawn, a split second later.
“I think Abe might have hurt his leg when he...uh...left the porch,” Matt announced.
A corner of Rafe’s mouth tipped up. “From the looks of him, he had a little help. What on earth happened here?”
Jolie briefly explained while Rafe bent down and handcuffed Abe’s hands behind his back. After Rafe read him his rights, she dropped to her knees and examined Abe’s leg.
Though sullenly quiet since his flight off the porch, he cried out and tried to pull away when she got to his ankle. “I think it’s probably a sprain, but I’d need to see X rays to be sure. I can immobilize his ankle with bandaging, though. Do you want to bring him into the clinic?”
“Wrap him, and I’ll transfer him to the county sheriff’s office. They can take care of him there.”
After she finished stabilizing Abe’s ankle, Rafe and Matt managed to maneuver him into the back seat of the truck.
Rafe’s cell phone rang as he slid behind the wheel.
“I’m just so thankful you came, Matt.” She shuddered, reliving the moment in graphic detail. “I might have managed to get away, but I’m not sure how far.”
He gave her a somber smile. “It was all way too close for comfort.”
“He planned tokillme. I’d recommend a psychiatric evaluation after he’s behind bars.”
“Hey, Jolie,” Rafe called out. “You have a patient waiting at your clinic. I’ll give you a ride so you can get back faster.”
Dad?“Who is it?”
“Mandy. And Irene is worried that she might not make it all the way to the hospital at Bozeman.”
“Call the ranch and tell Bobby. I think he ought to be there to welcome the newest little Maxwell into the family, don’t you?”
“HI, THERE, TROUPER,” Jolie said. “I hear you’ve got some contractions going.”
Irene had put her in the back room, where there was a comfortable chair and bed, but Mandy had been walking up and down the hall since she’d been brought in. She looked pale, frightened, and exhausted.
“I’m s-so glad to see you!” Tears welled in her eyes. “I saw my dad head toward your cabin, and I was so s-scared. Are you okay?”
This wasn’t the time to go into details. “Everyone is fine. Let’s see how you’re doing, okay? This will just take a second.”
Mandy moaned as another contraction hit. “I don’twantto do this.”
“It’s a bit late to change your mind,” Jolie said with a smile after finishing the exam. “You’re dilated to two centimeters.”
“But it’s too early!”
“Not by much. Based on your last menstrual cycle and my initial exam, I figure you’re thirty-seven weeks, but this seems to be a really good-sized baby. Maybe the dates are off.”
Irene and Jolie both helped Mandy sit up.
“Can I have the baby here?”
Jolie tossed her exam gloves in the trash can. “If this was a second or third baby, we wouldn’t try to go. But I think we can easily make it to Bozeman. If there are any complications, you’ll be in a hospital where they have the right equipment to care for you and the baby.”
“Complications?” Mandy’s voice rose to a wail. “You think I’ll have complications?”
“No. But I’d rather play it safe, wouldn’t you? I’ll come with you, and Irene will too, right?” Jolie looked over at Irene, who nodded firmly.
“Absolutely. Mandy and I are a team. Right, honey?”