Page 167 of The Phoenix
Ohngel’s wings blasted out from his spine, fire shooting from the tips like the muzzle of a gun. “Good, huh?”
Yes, you sexy beast. They’re so you.
He smiled, tickling her breast with a blazing feather which did not harm her. Have I told you about a new use for these?
“Is it something wicked?”
“Most definitely. Grab on. I have a favorite spot by the stream.”
She folded her arms around his neck. He soared into the air, Indy clasped against his chest, trusting him with her life and her future, a gift he’d never abuse, always appreciate.
He set them down on a grassy bank under a cloudless sky, the birds chirping, water lapping the shore. With her fingers running through his hair, Indigo stood on tiptoe, forced his head down, and brushed her soft lips across his. His dick immediately sprang to attention.
He was just getting with the program when she pulled away, whipping around toward the water upstream. “What’s that?” she asked.
A dark object hovered above a section of the river.
What do you want, Dom? Ohngel telepathed his question to the black-winged assassin.
Nothing. I’m simply curious about your female.
She’s mine. Go get your own.
Laughing, he flew off. Too much trouble.
Ohngel captured Indigo’s chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Nothing we need worry about. Just a friend pulling shit. Being where he shouldn’t.”
He recaptured her lips. His tongue thrust into her mouth, a foreshadowing of his plans for her body. His Indy trembled with anticipation. Eternity was good.
Between rounding up strong-willed Arisen Dawn savages and predatory wildings who resisted the compulsion to return to their realms, Firebrands honored their own.
The fallen from all strongholds lay on raised funeral pyres, their arms folded across their chests, eyes closed, their fight in this realm ended. Thick limbs from sacred oulder trees, which grew only on Darque, were stacked beneath them. Mages joined animus demons to light the wood. As it burned, it released the scent of cinnamon and plumes of white ash.
Galena stood beneath her father’s pyre, Miller’s arm around her to lend support. The Firebrands laid their own to rest, even those who died in disgrace. The Amazon sighed, trying to remember Ghorr in better times. She couldn’t recall any. So she simply hoped he had done something good while he’d been an honored warrior, before hatred stole his spirit.
Kole paused to salute his own, Jezzi, a panther shifter. She had been with him since the day he took command at the Covenkirk stronghold. Not only would he send her off with a palm to his heart, but he would hang her short spear on his wall. She earned the respect.
On her pyre were messages or mementos from her frerons and friends to be enjoyed when she arrived in the Evermore. Sabine left a photo of the two of them at the Blood Shed, the dark-haired Jez in tight-ass, black leather pants and stiletto boots. Braelyn wrote a note, thanking her for advice about Rein. Bade tucked a photo of him, Sig, and Jezzi on assignment into her hand, and Jonquil penned a note saying, “Best babysitter ever.”
Kole rested a medal on her chest, his heart heavy with memories of the dark-haired female. He stretched out his fingers, sparks shooting from them to ignite the wood beneath her. He clapped his cooled hand to the brand on his arm. “Born in fire, we arise from it to take our final journey. May you lead warriors to great victory in the Evermore as you did here.” Kole stepped away.
Once the pyres were in full blaze, a great Phoenix arose, his emblazoned wings of purple, red, gold, blue, and green pounding downward against the air. He soared into the sky. With a glance over his shoulder, he beckoned the Firebrands to follow, escorting them to their eternal home where new battles lay ahead.
When the honored arose from their beds of flame, they traveled to their final destination, their bravery recorded in Scath’s history.
Kole nodded at the winged beast, Ohngel, who honored his warriors.
In the months which followed the demise of what was being called Cerberus’s Rebellion, the United Nations contacted Scath’s lawgivers with a proposal. Later, Kole received a call. He laughed so hard he farted fire. Since he was home at the time, a giggling Kae pointed at Daddy while Skyler gave him the frosty evil eye. Between gasps for breath, he declined the offer. Animus demons were not ambassador material. Hell. They could barely leash their own beasts.
The government reconsidered, appointing Cadmon. The ylve had the last laugh. He promoted Kole to his vacated position as Scion Firebrand High Commander. Kole passed on the sentence by choosing Rein for the Covenkirk stronghold post. Ram was the only warrior happy with his new job. He was the vampire mix’s second. In another order of business, he appointed Fin to oversee the kitchens and nutritional needs at all three strongholds since many Firebrands opted to stay onsite in quarters. Arne remained in Covenkirk while Jarek and Nace hired chefs at their locations with input from Fin.
Slumped into a comfy armchair in their farmhouse in the demon region of Knife’s Edge after a busy day in his new office, Kole chuckled.
“What has you so happy?” Skyler returned to the room to settle into her mate’s lap after tucking Kae in for the night. Busier than ever as chief legal officer at the Alliance, she was overseeing an increasing number of trade agreements between Aeternal and human businesses.