Page 168 of The Phoenix
“Ram and Rein.”
“I don’t get it.” She ran a hand over his close-cropped hair, sending shivers straight to his groin.
“I’m going to miss a lot of fights between those two Firebrands. They’ll be trading fists daily. Good thing they respect each other’s skills.”
“What’s in the box?” asked Skyler, pointing to the side table.
“Open it. I got a kick out of it.”
He moaned, her ass grinding against his stiff cock when she reached toward the table. Box in hand, she resettled before flipping up the top of the blue velvet case. Nestled inside was a large gold medal, hanging from a crimson ribbon and emblazoned with a colorful Phoenix.
Rein was going to shit. Kole chuckled again, picturing a crowd of Covenkirk Firebrands cheering when it was pinned on the vampire mix. The guy hated attention. Fuck him. When you’re a hero, you’re a hero.
General Mateo Garcia—yep, big promotion—became chief military liaison to Scath. He worked with Kole to establish the first order of business—the creation of a combined human-Aeternal police force, like the FBI on steroids, able to cross realms at will.
Dax, refusing a title to go with the new job as head of the group, insisted on naming the agency. He chose Division of Aeternal Management or Nullification. With a smile so wide his fangs showed, he said, DAMN. Matty thought it was funny, but he’d always appreciated the surly vampire’s humor. Kole et al were not amused.
Matty took a few hours off duty to show up at his own wedding. He waited at the altar in Bludhaven while the Cruor signaled for the bride to enter.
Air rushed from Matty’s lungs. Bounty was stunning in a white lace gown. The sleeves were long, the neckline low, the fabric clinging to plentiful curves. She laughed about the color when she described it to Matty. He didn’t see the humor. To him, she was pure goodness, pure love, and pure hell-on-stilettos. White was perfect. It meant something far more important than innocence. It meant radiance, light-in-the-darkness, a luminous beacon to call him home.
Behind Chiara, who wore an off-shoulder blood-red maternity gown, Bounty strutted down the aisle, hand on Dax’s elbow.
A big grin spread across Dax’s lips when he passed off his sister. He patted her arm before he moved to Matty’s right. Bending close, he whispered, “Don’t fuck up, asshole.”
“You know I’ll screw up sometimes, bro-to-be, but I’ll never hurt her.”
“That’s what I’m counting on.” The vampire straightened Matty’s tie and gave him a manly shoulder squeeze.
Today’s rite was for him, the human, since Bounty’s breed didn’t marry. The couple chose to forego the violent Bludhunt, already knowing their bond was strong. But the Cruror applied for an online certification to perform a wedding, Matty purchased a license, and the whole thing was on the up-and-up. Unfortunately, their honeymoon would have to wait until the world was stable.
Just as the Cruror said, “You may now kiss the bride,” Dax glanced at his D-chip. Frowning at the groom, he said, “DAMN.”
Matty rolled his eyes. “Take off. We’ve got this.”
Dax wagged his chin at Chiara, who smiled.
Before Bounty could wave, Matty grabbed her, leaned her over his arm, and kissed her until she was speechless. Not an easy task with his bride. He planned to work on the kid thing as soon as possible.
Alarik’s Ministry of Well Being was busy. He missed his love, Castia, who moved back to Bludhaven after the crisis. They continued to hook-up, as Indigo called it, whenever time permitted. It wasn’t the same, but it would do. What did the younger generation say? It was what it was.
The on-site medical center suffered from lingering effects of the rebellion. Short on supplies. Staff exhausted. Too many patients still in recovery or dying from incurable wounds.
He met regularly with Ursela along with her team who managed the new portals and the Whorl. The witch was more obsessed with her job than usual.
Director Thenes of the Ministry of Wildings and the Realm, a succubus who had sheltered along with her daughter at Jarek’s stronghold, requested his assistance. In coordination with zoos worldwide, her task was to capture Darque’s escaped creatures. While the bigger critters, like questing beasts, hellhounds, or harpies, were destructive, the smaller ones were worse and more difficult to capture. Devilflies could drop a full-grown Homo sapiens with a single bite. So Alarik’s scientists, along with human biologists, worked feverishly to create unique traps or pesticides to solve the problem. Thenes made it clear to all, however. They were to make no wilding species extinct.
She adjusted the mic with an uncharacteristic shaky hand and waited for the countdown from the booth.
When it came, she drew a deep breath. “Hello, world. This is Lizette Lee on the air after an exceedingly long forced break. Today is the all-new Tune in to Tune up show. Each and every one of us can use a tune-up because these are desperate times. We learned we are not alone. We learned Scath and Darque are realms which exist alongside us. We learned our childhood fears are real, and Dorothy had it nearly right. Vampires and demons and witches, oh, my! So, I’m back to listen, to hear your questions and concerns, to offer advice, and to guide you to a more peaceful, healthier you.”
She nodded. Her assistant put through the first call.