Page 27 of Kingston's Rival
“Hidden in your sling?”
“Hidden wherever the fuck I choose to hide it,” he snapped before returning his attention to the Polish woman. “What we currently have here is a Mexican standoff,” he explained to her.
Martyna frowned. “I do not understand that phrase.”
The doorbell rang for a second time.
Persy didn’t hesitate any longer, but instead hurried over to the door while Martyna was still preoccupied with the fact Casper had been in possession of a gun the whole time. Persy wasn’t as surprised that Casper had the gun as by how easily he handled it.
Although she shouldn’t have been. Casper might not have served in the military like the other male members of his family, but she knew Casper had black belts in several martial arts and that, also like her, he was a marksman with various firearms. Including the one in his hand.
Persy glanced out the peephole and instantly recognized the logo on the T-shirt the man outside was wearing beneath a leather jacket. “It’s the delivery of the Chinese food I ordered for our dinner.” She turned to inform Casper and Martyna.
“Then by all means open the door and bring in the food.” Casper grinned. “I haven’t had dinner yet, and I’m starving.”
Persy hadn’t intended inviting him to join them. But then, she hadn’t expected Casper to be here with them in her apartment at all.
“Martyna?” she prompted.
The other woman looked undecided for a few seconds before nodding abruptly.
Persy deliberately held the door partially closed so that the delivery man couldn’t see beyond the doorway. The last thing she needed was a random delivery guy feeling the need to report to the police that he’d seen two armed people inside her apartment.
Luckily, he just seemed relieved she’d finally opened the door at all. He was smiling when he left, Persy having given him a large tip from the money she kept in the pocket of her tailored trousers.
The latter was a reminder that she still hadn’t changed out of her work clothes. Not surprising, really, when there was so much going on.
* * *
Casper used the time Persy was answering the door to cajole Martyna into putting down the gun. “A Mexican standoff is where two or more people are pointing a weapon at each other with no clear view which of them will emerge the victor.”
Uncertainty flickered in those deep green eyes before some of the tension eased from her shoulders. “I am willing to put my gun down if you agree to do the same.”
“No problem.” Casper put the safety back on the weapon before placing it next to his immobilized arm inside the sling. It was a risk, of course, but someone had to make the first move. “Now you,” he encouraged.
Martyna hesitated only briefly before slowly lowering the gun to her side. Casper deeply regretted the look of vulnerability he could see in her eyes.
Vadim Morozov had a lot to answer for.
And Casper would very much enjoy being the one who made the Russian pay for every verbal slight and physical blow he’d ever given his wife which had put that fear in her eyes.
“Food,” Persy announced as she closed the door and turned back into the room, delicious smells emanating from the two paper bags she now carried. She noted with relief that Casper and Martyna were no longer pointing guns at each other. “Could you get out three plates rather than two?” she prompted the other woman as she set the bags on the breakfast bar that separated the kitchen area from the sitting room, and began to take out the food containers. “Let’s eat while it’s still hot.”
She’d ordered lots of different choices on top of Martyna’s preferences, hoping to encourage the woman to eat something more than the toast she’d had for lunch. There was certainly more than enough food here to feed three people.
Three people.
Because, despite Persy being off duty until tomorrow morning, she was once again in Casper’s company. It was worse than that. He was actually in her apartment.
Persy was thankful she’d put away all photographs and personal items before bringing Martyna here. The necessity of maintaining her privacy applied even more to Casper than it did the Polish woman.
Martyna put her gun on one of the kitchen work surfaces so that she could take three plates from the cupboard above it. Proof that she had thoroughly looked around the apartment today while Persy was at work.
None of them spoke for several minutes after they had put food on their plates and began to eat. Casper with enjoyment, the two women merely picking at their food.
Persy didn’t know what to say to either Casper or Martyna.