Page 28 of Kingston's Rival
To Martyna, because she’d already said all she had to say to her. The woman was either going to continue to trust her or she wasn’t.
And Persy had no idea if Casper was here solely as her employer or…something else.
He’d kissed her earlier today. A kiss that one of her work colleagues had witnessed. Casper coming to her apartment this evening had brought two more of those colleagues with him, and they were now sitting in an SUV outside. Adding to the impression the two of them were involved when Caleb and Richie had no idea Martyna Morozova was also hiding out in her apartment.
“I think we need to take Mrs. Morozova to the Kingston estate,” Casper was the first one to break the silence once they had finished eating.
“Do not call me that.” Martyna shuddered. “Martyna or Marty will do. I will never be that monster’s wife again.”
Casper nodded. “I can’t emphasize enough that I believe you will have a far better level of protection from Morozov on my family estate. We have internal and external cameras and infrared, as well as guards and dogs patrolling the grounds day and night.”
Martyna frowned. “Why?”
“My eldest brother’s wife was kidnapped and murdered some years ago. Unfortunately, it was before the current level of security was put in place.”
Persy was taken aback at the bluntness of Casper’s explanation. It was all true, of course. She was just surprised he had been quite so candid with a woman he barely knew.
Martyna seemed just as startled as she studied Casper for several long seconds. “That’s shocking.”
The other woman turned to look at Persy. “What do you think?”
It warmed Persy that she still trusted her enough to ask her opinion after she had feared that might not still be the case.
What did Persy think of Casper’s idea of taking Martyna to the Kingston estate?
From a practical point of view, it was a good one. The security at the estate was much tighter than anything Persy could possibly provide for Martyna. Especially now her three days’ leave were over and she was back at work.
The downside was that if Vadim Morozov should discover where his wife was hiding, he could then demand the Kingston family return Martyna to him. Morozov was a rich and powerful man, so much so he could threaten the lives of the whole of the Kingston family as well as undermine and attempt to destroy their international security business.
Persy alone had made the decision to help Martyna leave her violent husband. Was it fair for her to now involve the Kingston family in that decision?
Of more relevance, was that really Persy’s decision to make?
“I think that if Casper’s family agrees to the suggestion, then you would be foolish not to accept their generous offer.” She bit back a comment regarding any residual feelings she might have of her own plans having been smoothly usurped. Martyna’s safety was the priority, not her own feelings on the matter.
“They will,” Casper confirmed without doubt. “Persy will, of course, accompany you there and remain on the estate for the same amount of time as you do,” he added persuasively.
Persy’s head whipped to the side to stare at him, her eyes wide with alarm. She knew by the triumphant smile now curving Casper’s lips that she had been very neatly ambushed.
“Will you?” Martyna’s soft plea added to that pressure.
“Would you just excuse Casper and I for a few minutes while we talk privately in my bedroom?” She gave the other woman a reassuring smile as she stood.
Martyna nodded. “I’ll clear the plates and leftover food away while you’re gone.”
“Come with me,” Persy prompted harshly, not waiting for an acknowledgment as she marched down the hallway to where her bedroom was situated.
Casper’s cock, which had been fully alert with an arousal that was centered solely on a tall red-haired woman with mesmerizing amber eyes since the moment Persy opened the door to him, now gave a little happy dance in his jeans. No doubt because he was watching that predatory sway of Persy’s hips and bottom as he followed her to her bedroom.
Without the jacket, it was possible to see how slender her waist was and how perfectly her tailored trousers clung to the firm globes of her bottom.
Casper didn’t give Persy a chance to say anything as he followed her into the room and closed the door behind him before his arm snaked about her waist to pull her against him and his lips claimed hers.
Something he’d been aching to repeat since kissing Persy earlier today.
She might have spoken sternly when she instructed him to follow her, but her lips felt as soft as silk against his.