Page 105 of The Quit List
It’s genuine closeness. Connection. And I’m pretty damn sure he feels it, too.
I mean, the way he looked at me yesterday when Phil mistook us for a married couple… wow.
Instead of correcting him, Jax’s stormy gray eyes were laced with something that almost seemed like longing. Then, he smiled and put his arm around me, like us being married was the most natural thing in the world.
I’m not going to lie, I liked it. More than liked it, in fact.
Funny how, with every man who checked all my boxes, I rarely made it past the first date. But with Jax—the man I didn’t want to date because he checked none of them—I want nothing more than to continue this togetherness of ours.
Because I feel more at home out here in the unknown with him than I have for a very long time. Feel more myself.
I plan to enjoy all the time I have with him. Enjoy the rest of this incredible experience to its fullest.
At that moment, Jax stirs a little behind me, pulling his arm from around me so he can stretch. I follow his arm’s movement, rolling onto my back in the very cramped space so I can look at him.
And, frick. If I thought the man was gorgeous whilst hiking up a mountain, or soaking wet in a rock pool, or wearing all-black while bartending… seeing sleepy Jax with his slate eyes lazily half-shut and his hair tousled is really something else.
“Morning, Hollywood,” he murmurs. “Sleep well?”
“Best sleep ever.”
“Me too.” He wraps his arm around me again to cuddle me close. I love hearing his voice thick with sleep like this. We lay there, still and calm for a few minutes, in total peace and quiet.
Until my stomach lets out a thunderous gurgle-growl that would put a pride of lions to shame.
Rick even lifts his head and stares directly at me in a rather judgy way.
Jax sits up and smiles down at me. “A little hungry, Hollywood?”
My cheeks are fire-engine red. “Don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say, my voice rising on the last word to cover yet another growl. “Maybe it was Phil and John.”
“Ah, yes. Of course. The Viking-bros are growling at us, all the way from across the campsite.”
“Probably their morning ritual. Viking battle cries at dawn and all that.”
I must sound absolutely bananas right now.
Truth is, I actually am quite hungry and could do with a banana.
Jax laughs, running a hand through his bed-tousled hair. “Uh-huh, we’ll go with that. On an unrelated note, did I mention that our current location puts us about two and a half miles from the cabin?”
I blink up at him, noisy stomach be damned. “We’re that close to being done?”
He nods. “I planned the route so we’d loop back to base early on the last day of hiking. It should make packing out easier and more enjoyable. And make it easier to get a good breakfast.”
“You really did think of everything.”
His eyes dance across my face. “And here’s what I’m thinking right now: why don’t we forget the nasty powdered eggs that were on the menu for this morning, leave The LARPing twins with some water, the last of our trail mix, and a map, and get the hell out of here.”
I raise a brow at him and he laughs.
“Relax, Hollywood, I’m joking. We’ll make sure Phil and John can get home safe, and then hightail it back to the cabin and drive to the nearest town so I can buy you a proper breakfast.” His smile widens. “Assuming you can hang tight that long?”
“Absolutely, I can.” I nod. “I’ve faced my fair share of obstacles over the last couple days. I think I can make it through the hunger pangs for a big waffle payoff.”
Jax looks at me with an expression that makes my toes curl and my stomach fill with butterflies. “That’s my girl.”
And so, after helping John and Phil assume their Viking gear again, Jax makes sure to go over the map slowly and carefully, providing clear, concise instructions until the two insist that they know just where they’re going.