Page 10 of Kash & Bella
Oh ugh.
The two males were low-ranked and acouple years younger than her. She wasn’t a fan of being with anyof the wolf males who were her own age, let alone ones herbrother’s age.
Plus, they’d been horrible to her,part of the large group of wolves who called her every name in thebook when she couldn’t shift.
“I don’t think so,” shesaid.
Her dad’s brow rose and he exhaled. Itreminded her of a bull, snorting to show displeasure.
“Dad, they hate me. Ifthey’re agreeing to mate me it’s because they want to get in goodwith you and not because they like me or want to be withme.”
“What does that evenmatter?” her dad demanded.
She looked at Chris for help. “Tellhim, Chris.”
“I think it’s a good idea,”her brother said flatly.
“What?” she demanded. “Youknow they don’t like me. You know they treat me like I’m less-thanbecause I can’t shift.”
“You won’t shift,” her dad added.
Tears pricked her eyes. “Dad,please.”
“You need to consider it.I’ve agreed to either of them mating you, just pickone.”
“Why would you want me tobe with someone who doesn’t even like me? Why would you want me totie myself to a male who could care less about me?” She turned herpleading gaze to her mom, who shook her head slightly and looked atthe floor.
Her dad growled and the center of herbody went cold.
“So you’re refusing?” heasked the question in a way that sounded like a statement, like hecouldn’t believe she wasn’t going to toe the line.
“Yes,” she said. She roseslowly to her feet and looked at her brother and then her mom,before finally meeting her dad’s gaze. “I can’t believe you askedme to do such a thing. It’s…awful. I won’t mate a male that I don’teven like, let alone one who’s cruel. May I bedismissed?”
There were a few moments,long ones that made her feel like everyone could hear her heartpounding, where her dad didn’t even blink. Then he sniffed andjutted his head toward the door.
She took one last look at her mom, whostill had her head down, a silent agreement to what Bella’s fatherhad suggested. Bella turned and walked out of the room.
As she made her way to the front door,positively shaking with anger and surprise, she heard someonecoming behind her and turned around.
“Thanks for having myback,” she said to Chris.
He was a half foot tallerthan her and was in the throes of trying to grow a mustache andbeard like the older males he idolized in the pack. He was stillher goober brother, but his behavior just now had really soured heropinion of him.
“Dad’s not wrong. You needto be mated.”
“Of course he’s wrong, andso are you, by the way. I don’t have to do anything. I want to waitfor my truemate, don’t you?”
“If Dad had waited for histruemate, you and I wouldn’t be here, Sis, since he just picked Momand mated her.”
“That’s the life you wantfor me? To have me be under a male’s foot for the rest of my life,to never have a voice of my own? Come on. Is that how you’re goingto treat your mate?”
“My mate will be justfine, don’t worry. Dad was doing you a favor by asking forvolunteers to mate you. You’re damaged goods, big sis. Who the hellknows if your wolf will come out at some point, or if you’recarrying some kind of defective gene and will have kids who can’tshift? In the meantime, Dad looks weak because you aren’t mated andyou’re twenty-three. You’re screwing up the family and the pack bybeing stubborn. The only thing worse would be if you picked a humanor some other supernatural to mate like a different shifter.” Heshook his head. “Get with one of the guys he suggested. It’s reallythe only option to stay in Dad’s good graces, and mine, when I takeover the pack.”
She stared at him whenhe’d finished speaking, a little bit lost for words. Her youngerbrother had been sweet at one time. She’d even called him hershadow because he was always right by her side. But the male beforeher, looming large and annoyed, wasn’t that kid anymore. He wasmore calculating, more like their dad than she realized.
“Well, it’s not going tohappen. I’m not mating anyone I don’t want to, and you’re anasshole if you think I should. I will be waiting for my truemate,and my lack of being mated should have no bearing on Dad’salphaship.”
She turned to leave and Chris spun heraround, eyes flashing. “You should do as you’re told.”