Page 11 of Kash & Bella
She wished she couldshift, because she’d claw his face right now. But she couldn’t. Soshe lifted her chin and stared right at him.
“Fuck. You.”
Then she spun on her heels and marchedfrom the house.
She’d been waffling on whether sheshould actually go through with going to Allen or not, but now shewas sure she should. Her pack didn’t feel like a safe place forher, her dad’s bulldozer attitude and her brother’s willingness togo along with things made her feel like maybe her time was runningout.
At least she could be somewhere new onthe full moon and take a breather.
Maybe she’d have an ideaof what to do next with some distance from her pack and family. Shedidn’t think it was normal for parents to push their kids to matepeople they didn’t love, and she hated that it had come tothis.
Hated that her brother was siding withher dad and her mom remained silent on everything.
Maybe leaving was the bestidea.
But maybe it would turn out to be theworst.
Only one way to find out.
Chapter Five
Bella left for Allen theafternoon of the full moon. She’d packed a bag and planned to staythe night with Kinley, who lived with her parents. She was lookingforward to meeting them and her excitement for the full moon hadmade the last few weeks positively drag by.
It was a beautiful spring day, the sunwas shining and everything was blooming. Despite the disastrousmeeting with her parents and brother the day before, she actuallyfelt happy and hopeful for the first time in as long as she couldremember. Starting her favorite playlist, she put the windows down,her sunglasses on, and enjoyed the drive.
She’d never really leftRhone except for the trips to Somerset and rare family vacations.Her parents never wanted to take much time away from the packbecause they were alphas, and apparently it was one of those jobsthat people weren’t allowed to have lives outside of. With thehigh-ranked males, she didn’t think the pack would implode withouther parents around, but it hadn’t been up to her. Grandpa Jake hadtaken her and Chris to the big theme parks in Florida one summerafter Grandma Renee died, but her dad’s idea of vacation was anight at a hotel at some touristy place in Tennessee since it wasclose enough they didn’t have to spend too much time driving, orstay away from the pack too long.
It was why she was sure she neverwanted to be alpha. Not that she’d ever have an alpha male want tomate her as long as her wolf was on the fritz. But if she had thechoice she’d rather not be in charge. Not if it meant neglectingfamily and fun for the pack.
She passed into Allenfollowing Kinley’s directions two hours later. It was a town muchlike Rhone with a main street lined with businesses, andneighborhoods of modest homes. The pack’s hunting territory was onone side of town, and the alpha’s home butted up againstit.
As she parked in front ofKinley’s parents’ home, nerves skated through her. She knew thather friend had told her family that Bella couldn’t shift, butsuddenly it felt like a lot was riding on tonight. She rubbed thespace over her heart, wondering why she suddenly felt so compelledto be here.
The front door opened and Kinleyhollered like a loon.
“Yay! You’re here!Woohoo!”
Bella’s odd thoughts ceased as shegrinned at her friend and got out of the car, leaving her bag tograb later.
“Hey, girl.”
She walked up the driveway and huggedher. “Any trouble on the drive?” Kinley asked.
“Nope, you gave excellentdirections.”
“Oh, I doubt that,” herbrother Dalton said when they walked into the kitchen. “She couldget lost going to the bathroom.”
Kinley swung at Dalton,and he ducked, making a face at her. “Hi, Bella.”
“Hi,” she said.
“Hello, you must be Bella,”a female said as she walked into the kitchen with a tall male. “I’mMcKenna and this is my mate, Drake.”
Bella accepted the warm hug and smiledat Kinley’s father. “Thanks for inviting me.”
Drake kissed McKenna. “I’m takingDalton with me to the alphas, I’ll see you in a littlewhile.”
“Sure thing.”