Page 14 of Kash & Bella
Bella got up from her seatand wove through the tables, making her way toward the front of thehouse. She passed between the alpha’s house and the house nextdoor, the structures separated by a wide expanse ofgrass.
Her heart clenched again and she felta strange ache in her gums and her fingertips.
What the hell?
“It’s you.”
Chapter Six
Kash felt a pull in thecenter of his body as he stared at the alphas’ house. Jason andCades’ house was next to second-ranked Michael and his human mateShyne. On the other side of the alphas’ house, Bram and his eagleshifter mate Thea were building a home. They’d eventually take overas alphas when Jason and Cades stepped down, and most likely Gideonand whoever he ended up mated to would move into their home, withGideon becoming second-ranked the same way Jason and Michael werealpha and second, and also brothers.
Kash, as a protector, wasn’ttechnically ranked within the pack, but he held a position ofauthority nonetheless.
He mused on the houses fora moment longer, then walked forward, heading between Jason’s andMichael’s homes. The moment he passed the corner of Jason’s house,the part of him that was wolf let out a loud howl in his head andhis back tingled where his wings would come out. A female appeared,head down and shoulders hunched.
His chest tightened, his heartsuddenly pounding.
He knew immediately who shewas.
“It’s you,” heblurted.
She froze, her head snapping up andher gaze clashing with his.
She was…gorgeous.
Petite and curved, intight jeans and a short-sleeved shirt that dipped low enough in thefront to give him a tantalizing view of her cleavage. Her dark hairwas long and curled on the ends, and her eyes flashed amber for abrief moment.
He was dumbfounded and frozen inplace.
He also had no idea who shewas.
“It’s you what?” she asked,a delicate brow arching.
He opened his mouth to speak, and anundignified squeak came out.
Grimacing, he cleared his throat andsaid, “The one I was looking for.”
Her brows lowered. “Whaton earth are you talking about?”
“Sorry,” he said, shakinghis head and mentally kicking his own ass. He took a few stepstoward her, inhaling silently and picking up her lush, sweet scent.She smelled like fall and warm nights under a starlit sky. Likehome.
He wanted to run to her,sweep her into his arms and kiss her senseless. He wanted to tellher how he’d been waiting for her, had spelled for her, andcouldn’t wait to get to know her. But he didn’t want to overwhelmher, so instead he said, “My name is Kash. KashAnderson.”
“I’ve never seen youbefore.” He definitely would remember seeing the stunning brunettebefore.
“That makes two ofus.”
He grinned and moved closer. Her blueeyes widened but she didn’t step back from him. “I mean, are youvisiting someone in the pack or did you just happen to stumble intotown and find the party?”
Her eyes softened, a smallsmile playing on her lips. She inhaled and a low growl, almost likea purr, rumbled in her chest, so softly that if he hadn’t beenwholly focused on her he might have missed it.
“Kinley Brooks invited meto join her for the full moon. I’m from Rhone. We met at the WereAlliance get-together a few months ago.”
His mind spun. The WereAlliance was an organization that helped shifters who were introuble. Pack member Reika had used a similar organization, theWere-Animal Alliance, to flee a dangerous group of lynxes who weredetermined to use her healing power for their own benefit. Bothorganizations helped shifters who couldn’t get help from their ownpeople, or sometimes needed help from their own people.
“I’ve never been to one ofthe get-togethers,” he said. “But I’ve heard they’re fun. So youjust wanted a change of pace?”