Page 15 of Kash & Bella
“Yeah.” She blinked rapidlya few times, inhaled deeply, exhaled sharply, then said, “You said,‘it’s you’. What did you mean by that?”
He stared down at her,very much wanting to touch and hold her, but he didn’t. “I’m a fae.I’m actually half-wolf and half-fairy, but I can’t shift. I havewings and fae power like my mom, but I do have some wolfytendencies, like fangs when I get emotional and a howl here orthere. I wanted to find my truemate, so I cast a spell to bring thetwo of us together. I was in the Fae Realm, and I felt compelled tocome here. I said, ‘it’s you,’ because I was so surprised to findyou here.”
“Me?” Her voice squeaked alittle, her cheeks pinking. She looked away and chewed on herbottom lip. “You couldn’t possibly be looking for me.”
“Why not?”
“I’m not…I can’t shift.”She blew out a breath, her shoulders sagging. She turned her headback toward him but wouldn’t meet his gaze. “I’mbroken.”
His wolf didnot like her feelinglike she was broken. Here he’d been wondering if his truemate wouldcare that he couldn’t shift, when she was dealing with the sameissue.
She pursed her lips andthen lifted her gaze to him. Now that he’d moved close enough thatonly a foot separated them, he could see that her eyes were apretty spring-sky blue that made him think of early mornings andblooming flowers.
“I don’t think you’rebroken.”
“You don’t knowme.”
“No, but just because youcan’t shift doesn’t mean you’re not a wolf or that you’rebroken.”
She huffed. “Tell that to mypack.”
Someone approached andKash stepped around her and blocked her, immediately settling intoa defensive crouch. He knew he was in pack territory, that no onethere would mean her harm, but the unmated male part of him wantedto ensure no one got close to her.
“Oh, shit, Kash, you scaredme,” Kinley said. “Bella, are you okay?”
Bella turned around to face herfriend, close enough that he could feel the heat from herbody.
“I’m good.”
Kinley tilted her head, her gazedarting between him and Bella. “Um…okay. The alphas are headingback to the full moon meeting place.”
“I’ll be there in aminute.”
Kinley gave Kash anothercurious look and then left. He turned to face Bella, who waslooking at him with an amused expression.
“Did you think anax-wielding maniac had come up on us or something?”
He scrubbed a hand through his hairand grinned. “You never know.”
“We should go.”
She looked past him butdidn’t move. He could hear the pack members walking away from thehouses. Only the non-shifting mates with young kids would staybehind, the rest would go to the clearing and either hunt or returnto the alphas’ house if they weren’t going to shift.
Something dawned on him. “Why did youcome here?”
“A change ofpace.”
“To get away from your packor to see if your wolf would come out?”
“Both.” She rolled hershoulders and her eyes flashed to amber. “Damn it, I feel reallyachy all of a sudden.”
He frowned and picked up her hand,gently testing her joints.
“Let’s go for a walk,” hesuggested.