Page 24 of Kash & Bella
Opening the phone, she selected hermom’s number and pressed the button before she lost hernerve.
Her mom answered on the secondring.
“Hi, Mom. Is Dad around? Ineed to talk to you both.”
“You could just come over,goofball.”
“I’m not home rightnow.”
Her mom paused. “Where areyou?”
“It’s what I need to talkto you both about.”
“All right, hold on, he’sin his office.” She heard the sound of her mom walking, picturingher in the kitchen and taking the hall to the left to go to theoffice, which had originally been a guest bedroom before her dadbecame alpha. “You’re okay, right?”
“I’m great.”
Her mom knocked twice and when her dadanswered, she opened the door. She heard the click of her momputting the call on speaker. “Bella wants to talk tous.”
“Oh? Why couldn’t she justcome here?”
Internally, Bella was inhell. But she still smiled at Kash. At least she hoped she wassmiling and not making some weird face.
“Hi, Dad.”
“What’s up? Why didn’t youjust come to the house?”
“Because I’m nothome.”
She squeezed her eyes shut. She’dpracticed in her head what she was going to say, but now the wordsfailed her.
Finally finding her voice, she said,“I’m not in Rhone. I spent the full moon with a friend’s pack, andtwo amazing things—I met my truemate and I also shifted for thefirst time.”
“Oh, honey! You shifted!And you found your truemate, too? That’s incredible!” her mom said,her voice gushing over with enthusiasm.
Her dad was silent for a long moment.Bella could clearly picture him behind the dark-stained wood desk,two monitors showing the live-feed cameras around the pack’sterritory, laptop open for work.
“Where are you?” heasked.
Her voice squeaked high when she triedto speak. Clearing her throat, she blew out a breath and said,“Allen.”
It was the first time inher life that she understood the phrase, “the silence wasdeafening,” because it was. How was it possible for silence to beloud? And filled with disapproval?
“Come home immediately,” hesaid.
“I’ll come home to talk toyou, but I’m going to bring my mate.” She reached for Kash’s handand he squeezed it.
“Absolutely not,” her dadsaid.
“Brett, wait,” her momsaid.
“Be quiet.” He growledsharply and then said, “You didn’t have permission to leave town onthe full moon, let alone go to a pack with a murderer for analpha.”