Page 25 of Kash & Bella
“Dad, you said Uncle Chrisdied in a pack battle. That doesn’t make Alpha Jason amurderer.”
The growl that came through the phonemade her jerk back, dropping the phone to the table with a clatter.Kash righted the phone and pressed the speaker button.
“Do not say that male’sname again. You will come home, alone, or there will berepercussions.”
“Dad, please,” she said,tears springing to her eyes. “Can’t you be happy for me? Why doesit matter where my mate is from? Isn’t it more important that Ifound him and also my wolf?”
“The only thing thatmatters is your obedience. Come home now and accept your punishmentbefore the pack for your behavior.”
She glanced up and met Kash’s eyes.They were bright silver.
“My name is KashAnderson,” he said, his voice deep and rumbling withprotectiveness. “Bella is my truemate and I won’t let her goanywhere without me. If you want me to bring her to Rhone, I will,but I will most assuredly be by her side the entire time. I’m notsure about the history between you and my alpha, but that shouldn’thave any bearing on my and Bella’s relationship.”
If it was possible, she fell in lovewith Kash right then and there. The way he stood up for her withher dad, when she hadn’t had the words to say, was stunning andmade her feel like she could do anything with him by herside.
“You’re not in controlhere,” her dad said.
“Bella’s an adult, she canmake her own decisions.”
Ignoring Kash completely,her dad addressed her. “I will not allow you to take a mate fromthat pack.” She could feel his anger through the phone and her wolfwhined in her head. Upsetting her alphas went against everythingshe’d ever been taught. “You come home now, daughtermine.”
There was an unspoken threat that hungin the air.
“I’ve said all that needsto be said. Make the right choice, Isabelle Renee.”
The call ended and she letout the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. Kash was ather side in a heartbeat, pulling her out of the chair and holdingher close. He whispered soothing things into her ear while shecried, and her wolf let out a mournful howl.
It was monstrously unfairthat things had aligned so perfectly in her life but had now beenderailed by her dad’s behavior.
She twisted her hands in Kash’s shirtand sobbed while he held her.
What was she going to do?
Chapter Ten
Kash wanted to stay in the house withBella and not deal with anything at all. He’d never been a big fanof avoiding problems, but he was currently feeling like avoidingall the issues they were facing.
He couldn’t believe herdad’s reaction to her news. He didn’t even seem happy that she’dfinally been able to shift.
She stood in the family room staringout the front window at the big, old tree in the center of thefront lawn, but he kind of doubted she was actually looking atanything. She seemed fully lost in thought and that wasunderstandable.
After the call with herparents, she’d gotten up from the table and walked away. She neededtime to think. He couldn’t imagine what she was feeling. He wasn’tsure how he’d react if his parents were pissed at him for findinghis truemate.
After a few minutes, he joined her atthe window.
“This house used to belongto someone from your pack,” he said. “I don’t know who, but whenthe Garra Pack left Allen, their homes and most of the businesseswere closed. Slowly over the years, a new generation had taken overthe houses and businesses. This house sat empty all that time,though. When I graduated high school and wanted to move out of myparents’ place, I went with Alpha Jason to look at homes that wereavailable and picked this one. I liked the tree.”
“I like it too.” She sighedand leaned into him. He put his arms around her and kissed the topof her head.
“Do you want totalk?”
“I don’t know if there isanything to talk about right now,” she said. “My parents think I’mbetraying them by being here, and they don’t seem to care that Ican shift or that I found you.”
“Are you sorry you camehere?”
She tilted her head to look at him.“What? No, of course not.”