Page 26 of Kash & Bella
“I don’t want you to loseyour family because of me.”
“Kash,” she said. “I don’tthink my dad’s issue is really about you, it’s about Jason and thistown. Why would you ask if I was sorry about cominghere?”
“Because I don’t want youto regret being with me.” He exhaled deeply and looked out thewindow, but he wasn’t really looking at anything in particular.He’d always felt a little bit like an outsider in the pack, partwolf but mostly fairy, with powers his friends didn’t reallyunderstand. “You could have a different life if you had a wolf fora mate and he wasn’t from this pack.”
He looked down at her intime to see her upper lip curl. “Okay, you need to knock thatnonsense off. I’m upset about my parents, but it’s more about mydad being so ridiculously close-minded about this pack. I don’twant my family’s pack if it means I can’t have you. Whether I canshift or not doesn’t have any bearing on anything, it’s a coolbonus. Like the prize in the cereal box.” She gave him a long look.“You’re the real prize, Kash. I came here for something different,for a change of scenery, and I get to start a whole new chapter ofmy life with you.”
He’d never had anyone call him a prizebefore. It was pretty damn cool.
Slipping his hands to the small of herback, he pulled her a little closer until their bodies were pressedtightly together. “So tell me about this whole new chapter, sweetwolf.”
She grinned, her eyes dancing. “Itstarts in the bedroom.”
* * *
Kash parked in front ofJason and Cades’ home. “This house originally belonged to Peter andTina, the former alphas. Jason took over as alpha when Peter wasinjured during a hunt and couldn’t perform his duties. It wasbefore he and Cades were mated.”
“She can’t shift, right?Kinley said something about that once.”
“No, she has claws andfangs when she’s emotional, I’ve only seen it happen once though.Her mom was a wolf and her dad was human. She’s a great alpha,though. The pack loves her.”
“Who will take over whenthey step down?”
“Their son Bram. Herecently mated an eagle shifter named Thea. But Jason and Cadesaren’t going to step down anytime soon.” He pointed to the side ofthe house where a structure was in the throes of being built.“That’s their house. Jason and Cades will move into the retirementcommunity and their other son, Gideon, will move into their housemost likely.”
“Is it just the two kidsfor the alphas?” she asked as he opened her door and helped herout.
“Their oldest is Lyric,she lives in Indiana with her two mountain lion mates.”
Bella hopped from the truck and thenstared up at him in shock. “Two mates?”
He narrowed his gaze. “You only getone, woman.”
She laughed, her eyes sparkling. “Ithink you’re all I need.”
He shut the door and took her hand. Heknocked on the front door and opened it. “Alpha? It’sKash.”
“Come on in, we’re in thekitchen.”
He pushed the door open farther andlet Bella in, then followed and shut the door. She tugged on hishand when he started to walk down the hall.
“What if he doesn’t likeme because of who my family is?” she whispered.
“I promise that won’thappen,” he said keeping his voice low so it didn’t carry. He wassure of one thing: Jason and Cades wouldn’t hold her family againsther, they would definitely be supportive of theirmating.
And he knew his parents were thrilledfor him and excited to get to know her. The drama was on her sideof things, and he hated that she had to deal with it atall.
“Okay,” she said, blowingout a breath. “If you’re sure?”
She gave his hand a squeeze and theywalked together into the kitchen, where Jason and Cades were seatedat the large table, empty lunch plates in front of them.
“Alpha Jason and AlphaCadence, this is my truemate, Bella Sullivan. Bella, these are myalphas.”
Jason and Cades both stoodand extended their hands. “It’s nice to see you again,” Jasonsaid.