Page 29 of Kash & Bella
Jake blinked and shook the thoughts ofthe past from his brain. “Sorry?”
“Pitcher,” Paul, one of thepack members said. “Please.”
“Sure thing.”
Jake set a pitcher under the tap andpulled the lever. “Fifteen. Anything else I can getyou?”
“That’s it for now. Sorryto hear about the stuff with Bella. You doing okay?”
His granddaughter? “What abouther?”
“Oh, you don’tknow?”
Jake shook his head andturned off the tap, accepting payment and sliding the pitcher tothe male. “Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”
Jake let out a low growl from hiswolf. He might not be alpha anymore, and he might not have ever runthe ship with the iron fist of his son, Brett, but he hadauthority, particularly in his own business.
Paul’s head tilted slightly. “She wentto Allen and met up with a male there. Brett’s pissed and called ameeting.”
“Thanks, Paul.”
Jake turned to tell theother bartender he was going to leave for a bit when his phonebuzzed.
He didn’t recognize the number, butsomething in the back of his mind told him to answer and not sendit to voicemail.
Walking away from the bar, he headedto the office down the hall, answering on the thirdring.
“It’s Jason Gerrick. Do youhave a minute?”
* * *
Bella had never been to arestaurant that had an all-meat buffet, but when Kash suggestedLonestar in Allen and told her about the seemingly endless numberof meats available, she was immediately on board.
“Hi, Karly,” Kash said whenthey stepped up to the hostess stand.
“Hi, Kash. Who’s yourfriend?” The female around her mom’s age smiled sweetly atthem.
“This is my mate, Bella,she’s from Rhone.”
“Nice to meet you, I’mKarly, the owner. I’ve never heard of Rhone, is itnearby?”
“South,” Bellasaid.
“Well, congratulations. Sodo you want menus or the buffet? Micah made bourbon glazed babyback ribs and bacon-wrapped sirloins as the specials for the buffetalong with the normal offerings.”
“Buffet for both of us,”Kash said.
Karly grabbed silverwareand led the way to a small booth. After filling their drink orders,she told them to help themselves and save room for Zoey’sseven-layer chocolate cake.
“It smells amazing inhere,” Bella said as they stood and headed for the buffet, whichconsisted of several stations filled with everything from beef tochicken to seafood plus a station dedicated to side dishes andappetizers.
“Micah is in my age group,he’s mated to Zoey who’s a baker here. He works the grill and is amaster, he does the grilling for the pack gatherings.”