Page 30 of Kash & Bella
“I’m scared of grills,” shesaid as she picked up a plate. “I’m afraid they’llexplode.”
He chuckled. “How about I promise todo all the grilling for us?”
“Just don’t blow yourselfup.”
She filled her plate withribs and he followed behind her adding to his own plate, until bothplates were stacked high with different meats. They dropped theirplates at the table and headed to the other station to grab sidedishes and appetizers.
When she was reaching for a mozzarellastick, Kash said, “Hey, Promise, how’s it going?”
“Good! Who’s this?” Thepretty female swapped out a basket of fries for what looked likehot ones.
Kash introduced her. “Promise and hersister Rio are healer wolves.”
“I didn’t know there wassuch a thing, that’s awesome,” Bella said.
“Let me know if you needanything special, I’m happy to grab anything you’d like but don’tsee on the buffet from the kitchen.”
“I heard that,” Karly saidfrom the hostess stand.
“Eep.” Promise made a faceand then laughed. “I’ll still get ya whatever you want. I’m gettingready to move on anyway.” She waved at them and headedoff.
When they’d returned to the table,Bella said, “What does she mean she’s getting ready to moveon?”
“Our pack already has hermom for a healer, plus my mom and I can heal with our fae power aswell, and there’s another fae here, Rena, plus four young femalefae that Jason and Cades adopted who can all cast spells and heal.So Rio and Promise are going to look for their truemates and findnew packs to settle in. They were going to leave earlier, butdecided to wait until the weather was nicer.”
Bella carefully pulled a hot sectionof ribs apart and lifted one. “They’re just going to wing it?Randomly head off into the world and hope they find theirtruemates?”
“Pretty much. That’s alsowhat three other females are planning to do. They’re Angel Mates,and they feel the need to find their truemate once they turntwenty-one.”
“Okay, I’ve never heard ofAngel Mates either. Holy cow, Allen’s got all kinds of uniquepeople.”
“Just wolves in Rhone?” heasked.
“Yep. Well, that’s allthat’s allowed in the pack anyway, but aside from that, the town ishuman and wolf, period.”
“I’m glad Allen doesn’tmind other types of supernatural people, otherwise who knows wheremy parents would have ended up.”
Conversation stopped for abit while they ate. Bella had never tasted anything as good as theribs, which were smokey and just the right amount of sweet. Shewent back for seconds and brought some back for Kash totry.
When they’d eaten their fill of meat,Promise brought out a piece of seven-layer chocolate cake that wasso tall it could have been two cakes put together.
“We might need to take thatto go,” Kash said with a laugh.
“No rush,” Promise said.“I’ll bring a box, though.”
Even though her stomach protested morefood, she couldn’t help but pick up the fork and take abite.
“Oh, holy crap this isgood,” she said.
“Zoey does a greatjob.”
She put the fork down andsighed. “What do you think Jason’s going to say?”
“I don’t know. I thinkhe’ll want you to talk to your dad again, maybe arrange for ameeting. Clearly he and Cades were surprised that you didn’t knowthe truth of what happened to your uncle.” He gave her a long look.“Are you okay?”
“About what?”
“What youlearned.”