Page 46 of Kash & Bella
Logan stepped up next to Bella, alongwith Jason and Michael, and the other high-ranked males.
“Kash is my son,” Logansaid. “Please let him go.”
“I’m telling you he’s nothere, I don’t care what magic you’re using,” her dad said. “Youhave a lot of nerve coming here.”
“What?” Bellaasked.
“He’s not talking to you,”Jason said.
“No, I’m not. Murderer.You need to leave before I lose what little hold on my claws Ihave.”
“Dad, stop this. It’s beentwo decades! I want my mate, I can feel that he’s hurt.” She rubbedher fingers over her heart, which didn’t help the ache.
“I will not repeat myself,”Brett said, his voice going low enough that it made the hairs onthe back of Bella’s neck stand up. Her wolf whined in her head. Hepointed a clawed finger at Jason.
“Today I will finish whatmy brother started. I’ve been waiting a very long time for this.Finally, Chris will be avenged, and you’ll pay for what youdid.”
“I followed the law,” Jasonsaid evenly, taking a step forward. He moved subtly in front ofBella at the same time that Logan moved closer to her. This pack,that had only known her for a few days, was stepping up to protecther in the absence of her mate and in the face of her father’srage.
“You followed nothing!”Brett bellowed. “You killed my brother over a female, and then youkilled my mother.”
Jake’s eyes went wide.“Son, that’s not true at all. Jason didn’t kill yourmom.”
“If he hadn’t killed Chriswe wouldn’t have had to come here, and she wouldn’t have been takenout by the stray bullet. His actions have consequences, and todayhe’ll pay for them.”
Bella had never seen her dad sounhinged before. Her normally stoic and in-control father was outof control and filled with rage.
Her mom stepped forward, movingbetween the two groups.
“Get back in line,” Brettyelled.
“No. No, I won’t. I’mtired of being under your thumb and treated like a second-classcitizen, and I’ve had quite enough of this grudge you’ve held formore than twenty years. That male followed the law. Your brothertried to rape a mated female. What would you suggest the rightconsequences of that action be? If Jake can accept what happened,why can’t you?”
Brett seethed, his face red and hiseyes glowing amber. “You will not speak to me that way.”
“Look at them, Brett,”Poppy said. “Those males are protecting your daughter. Fromyou.”
“She’s right,” Jake said.“Your mom died because it was her time. I failed to be the kind ofalpha the pack needed because I was so caught up in my grief. Ididn’t know you still harbored so much anger about Chris’s death,but while the memory of his loss makes me ache to my soul, Icouldn’t intervene and save him. He was wrong, and he was thecriminal, not Jason. Your rage is making you a bad father, and thepack is disintegrating because you’re obsessed with keeping Bellahere away from her mate. You’re just as weak in your anger as I wasin my grief.”
“Help Bella find Kash,”Poppy demanded.
“I didn’t take him!” Brettbellowed.
“Then where is he?” Bellaasked. Her whole world was bottoming out. She could hardly feelKash anymore, their connection was like a mist in the air. They’donly been together a few days, but she knew she’d never get over itif he died.
She wished she’d told himshe loved him, because she did. It was new love, young love, thekind of love that started a couple off on their road to the sort ofsweet, deep love that long-mated couples enjoyed.
Like how Renee and Jake could finisheach other’s sentences.
“Dad, please.”
Bella moved forward through the wolvesuntil she reached her mom. She met her gaze and saw, for the firsttime, a strong female staring back at her.
“We’ll find him,” Poppysaid.
“Brett,” Jason said. “Alphato Alpha, let’s table the conversation about your brother and whathappened in the past and help your daughter find her mate beforeit’s too late.”
Her dad stared at Jason,and she saw some of the anger leak away from him like he’d sprung aleak and his emotions were slipping away.