Page 47 of Kash & Bella
His shoulders slumped. “Fine. But Idon’t know where he is, hell I don’t even know what he lookslike.”
“I was so sure you tookhim,” Bella said.
“I wouldn’t do that,” Brettsaid. He put his hands on his hips. “You should shift. Theconnection between truemates is supposed to be stronger for thewolf part of us.”
“I’ll shift with you too,honey,” Poppy said.
Bella hurried with her mom behind theSUV.
“What if I can’t shift?What if it was a fluke?” she asked as she pulled off her shirt.Nerves skated through her.
Her mom put her hands onBella’s shoulders and smiled at her. “I spent my entire matingtaking a back seat to your father because that’s what my fathersaid a good female did. Then you stood up for your mate and hestood up for you, and I knew that even despite my bad example toyou, you still managed to be a strong female who knows her ownmind. Your mate needs you. If his mom said he’s here, and you feelit too, then he is. Someone from the pack took him, which meansthere’s more going on here than just an abduction.”
Bella stared at her mom. “Dad’s indanger. That means you are too.”
“And you, honey, and yourbrother. Heck, I haven’t even seen Chris in a while, I’m not surewhere he is. Your dad called him to come along to meet you, but hedidn’t answer his phone.”
Bella didn’t have time to worry abouther brother.
“Thanks for standing up forme now, Mom.”
“I should have done ityears ago. I’m sorry for everything.”
They embraced quickly, then steppedapart, both stripping and laying their clothes in the back seat ofthe SUV. Bella closed her eyes and put all her love and focus onKash, drawing her wolf forward.
As the shift came over her,she landed on the ground on her paws, and shook herself out. Thenshe lifted her head and let out a howl: I’m coming for you, Kash.
Bella raced away, letting her wolflead. Her dad was right: she could feel Kash more strongly in hershift, but it wasn’t a super strong connection. It wasn’t like herwolf had a GPS map in her head with a big star on Kash’slocation.
She just had a feeling about where hermate was.
Her mom was right at herside, running as fast as Bella was. Behind her were the otherpacks—hers and Kash’s—following as fast as they could on foot. Shedodged trees and brush, letting her wolf take over with the solepurpose of finding their mate.
She skidded to a halt as an old barncame into view. She and Chris had played in it as kids, teasingeach other about the dark cellar.
She barked sharply.
“Hold on, kid,” her grandpasaid. He knelt next to her and put his hand on her ruff. “There aremales around that barn. Your mate in there?”
She sat on her haunches and let out awhine.
He chuckled. “All right. Then we’ll goin together, but let’s first have some people take out thosemales.”
“I recognize them,” herdad said as he joined them. “Carver and his cronies. I don’t seeChris, though.”
Her mom let out a low murmur of worry,and her dad promised to find him.
“Let us help take out thosemales,” Jason said. “If Kash is in there, we need to get to him assoon as possible.”
Brett stared at the other alpha andBella worried there would be another shouting match and they’d losetheir element of surprise.
“All right, you take thefront, we’ll come in from the back.”
“Do you care if theylive?”
“Carver’s the leader, andhe’s been gunning to be higher in the pack for years, but he’s ashit fighter and he cheats. I have a feeling he’s behind this wholething, and maybe even why Chris is gone. Let’s keep at least one ofthem alive long enough to find Chris.”