Page 51 of Kash & Bella
“Yeah.” He looked back toBella, who was still sleeping soundly, her lashes making shadows onher cheeks, her lips slightly parted. She was so beautiful, sostrong and fierce. He’d warned her to stay away, but she’d come forhim anyway. If she hadn’t, he wouldn’t have survived hisinjuries.
He gripped her hand lightly and hiswolf let out a contented sigh at touching their mate, and thensnarled as the memories of what happened flooded throughhim.
“I think we should hearthis,” Jason said. “You two decent?”
“Yeah, come in. Wait, whois we?”
His alpha walked in with another maleand a female. The female looked like Bella, and the male remindedhim of her brother, Chris.
“I’m Brett, Bella’s dad,and this is my mate, Poppy,” he said gruffly.
“Is Chris okay?” Kashasked.
“I’m good, bro,” Chris saidas he stepped up next to his parents.
“Chris filled us in on whathappened, but we want to hear it from you as well,” Jasonsaid.
Kash nodded, and launched into thestory, of the female at the side of the road, waking up bound iniron, and the bad feeling he had with the males that Chris had beenwith.
“You called that one,”Chris said with a grimace. “I feel like such a fool. And I’m sorrythat you were nearly killed because of me and my ego.”
Brett pressed his lipsinto a thin line and said nothing.
Kash continued through to where Renaand his mom pulled him into another plane of existence for healing,leaving him with the cool-as-hell tattoo.
He looked at her brother. “What didyou think was going to happen when you arranged for myabduction?”
“That Bella would comehome. She was tearing the family apart, the pack was crumbling. Ithought if she did what Dad wanted—came home and mated a wolfmale—that everything could go back the way it was. That was foolishas hell.”
Poppy put her arm aroundhim and gave him a hug. “I know Bella will forgive you in time. Theimportant thing is that everyone is alive and well.”
Kash looked to Jason. “Iseverything…well?”
“Brett and I have talked.Old wounds take a long time to heal, but the usurpers to the GarraPack are all dead. Brett and Poppy would like to speak to you afterBella’s awake, but our pack is going to head back to Allen, exceptfor your parents, of course.”
Kash thanked his alpha and packmembers.
“We’re going to stay untilBella’s awake,” Poppy said, “but we’ll leave you to your privacy inhere.”
“Thanks,” Kashsaid.
When it was just him, Bella, and hisparents, he said, “It was really close, wasn’t it?”
“Yes,” his mom said. “Istill get flashes of terror about you dying, I’m so thankful Renawas able to help.”
“What healer’s home isthis?”
“Benoir,” his dadsaid.
The healer’s home was a short walk tohis parents’ own home and his grandparents’ as well.
“Did you want to come backto Allen when she’s awake?” his mom asked.
“I’ll see how she feels. Wewere planning to stay here anyway, the abduction just got in theway of our plans.”
“Your grandparents stoppedin to see you after you were first healed, but it was reallycrowded so they didn’t stay. You can see them whenever you’reready.”
He looked past his parents to thewaiting room where Bella’s family was. “Is everything settledbetween the alphas?” he asked with a low voice.