Page 52 of Kash & Bella

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Page 52 of Kash & Bella

“As much as can happen ina single conversation after twenty-some years of a grudge andmisinformation,” his dad said. “I wouldn’t say our packs will begood friends, but Jason did apologize for taking his brother’slife, even though it was well within his rights as alpha. I thinkBrett just harbored a lot of anger over the years. He didn’t thinkwhat Chris did deserved death even though our laws are veryclear.”

Rule number one: don’tfuck with a male’s mate.

“I’m still not welcome inthe pack, though,” he said.

“They’re strictly wolf,”his mom said. “But Jason said they could come to Allen for yourmating ceremony, and Poppy said she wanted to have a party for thetwo of you in Rhone, even if you won’t become a member.”

“I’m glad Bella gets tokeep her family. I hated that things were so strained forher.”

“Us too.” His mom stood andleaned over, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “London’s beenchecking in as well, she said she wants to get together with youtwo when you’re back from your time in this realm.”

He smiled. He was glad London andBella got along so well.

“Sounds good.”

“We’ll see you in a littlewhile,” his dad said.

When he was alone in the room, Kashsettled back on the bed and turned toward his mate, sliding an armover her waist and pulling her close. He breathed in her sweetscent, thankful she was safe in his arms now.

He’d nearly died becauseher brother made an idiotic decision to try to heal a rift in thefamily and save the pack from splintering. At least now, the oldwounds of the packs were exposed and could begin healing. Maybe thetwo packs would never be getting together for full moon hunts andbarbecues, but at least Brett didn’t hate Kash anymore, justbecause of his home pack.

He closed his eyes and kissed Bella’sforehead.

“Fucking happy as hell thatI’m not dead, Bella. I wasn’t ready to be done lovingyou.”

Chapter Twenty

Bella stared at herself ina long mirror, wearing clothes borrowed from London’s closet intheir parents’ home in the Fae Realm. The long, flowy dress wasmade of layers of gauzy purple fabric with delicate embroideryalong the hem and bodice. It was casual and dressy at the sametime.

As a girl who generally wore eitherleggings or jeans with the occasional skirt, she liked thetraditional clothes of the Fae Realm. They were very dreamy andromantic.

“You look amazing,” Kashsaid.

He was wearing his ownclothes from his parents’ home that they’d brought for him alongwith clothes for her while she’d been passed out. Kash had nearlydied and woken up hours before her. She hadn’t even been hurt, butapparently the spell that saved his life had drained her energy tothe point she had to sleep for nearly eight hours in order to healfully.

“The bad guys are all dead,right?”

“Yep. Three of the malesdied in the original fight with the packs, but your dad savedCarver from being killed so he could find out where Chris and Iwere, since he didn’t know if we were in the barn or not. ButCarver tried to take out your dad’s windpipe with his claws, soyour dad killed him.”

She bet it was an epic battle with twoalphas leading the fight.

“No more bad guys, it wasjust those four?”

“Yes.” He joined her andshe turned to face him, laying her hands on his broadshoulders.

“Good. I’m ready to see myparents. And Chris. I might punch him in the face for what he didto you.”

“Hey!” Chris called fromthe other room.

She grinned.

“I said might,” she pointedout.

“I’m ready when you are,”Kash said.

They were in the Fae Realmat a healer’s home. The healer was a short, balding male with ahandlebar mustache and bright blue eyes. He’d given her a tonicwhen she woke that made the last bit of exhaustion leave her bodyand filled her with energy. She and Kash had taken turns in a smallshower stall and then dressed. She knew her parents were waiting tosee her, she imagined it was hard for her mom to stayaway.

“I want to stay in Allen,”she said, looking up at her mate. “I know that you’re not welcomeat my pack, but even if you were, I’d still want to be inAllen.”

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