Page 54 of Kash & Bella
“I am,” he said. “I mean,I’m not ready to be best pals with Jason, but I’m not going to tryto get between you and Kash or disown you.”
“You were going to disownme?”
“Isabelle Renee,” he saidsternly, “let me remind you that you left town on the full moonwithout telling a soul where you were going, then just wanted meand your mom to accept that you had a mate who wasn’t even awolf.”
It was her turn to feelsheepish. “I’m sorry about that. At least as far as lying and goingagainst you, but I’m not sorry that I met Kash. Going to Allenchanged my life for the better.”
“We’re happy for you,honey,” her mom said. “And we can all move on, together. Your dadand I have some things to work out, but we’re mated and it’s goingto stay that way. And your brother is still going to be alphasomeday, but he’s going to start working more closely with yourgrandpa to learn how to be a decisive leader.”
“When I’m alpha, I’llchange the laws and let non-wolves in,” Chris said.
“You could do that,”Grandpa Jake said loudly.
Her dad snorted. “I don’tneed any armchair alphas right now. But I’ll considerit.”
“You can come visit anytimeyou want,” her mom added. “Both of you. Just because he can’t jointhe pack doesn’t mean he’s not in the family.”
“Agreed,” her dadsaid.
She hugged her parents and herbrother, then hugged her grandpa.
“Kash and I are going tostay here in the Fae Realm like we planned,” she said. “I’ll checkin with you once we’re back in Allen so I can get mythings.”
“I’ll pack up for you,” hermom said. “Your brother will help.”
“Ah, crap.”
Jenna opened a portal for her familyinto the yard of their home. Bella and Kash said goodbye, waving asthe portal slowly closed.
“Love you,” Bellacalled.
“Love you too sweet girl,”her mom said.
“That’s our cue,” Jennasaid. She hugged Bella and Kash. “We’re going to stop at my parentsfor a few minutes then head back to Allen.”
“We have to go to Allenand grab our stuff, then we’ll be back to town Saturday,” Kashsaid. “It’s what we planned originally. Oh crap, wasn’t I supposedto bring candy for Grandpa?”
“I grabbed it on one of mytrips back to Allen today, but your dad and I also picked up yourbags from your house and took them to ours, so you don’t have to goto Allen unless you want to.”
“That’s awesome, thankyou,” Bella said.
They said goodbye to hisparents, thanked Benoir for his help, then headed to his parents’home. The Fae Realm wasn’t really like the human realm where Bellawas from. The main differences were that there was no electricityand no vehicles. No cars or trucks, no towers for cell phones orthick power lines crossing over the landscape. It was quieter inthe Fae Realm, peaceful in a way she hadn’t expected.
“It’s nice here,” she saidas they walked along a cobblestone pathway away from the healer’shome.
“We could get a house herelike my parents have and use it for weekends andvacations.”
“Really? That would becool.”
“There’s space between myparents and grandparents’ homes, we could build something for usthere.”
“Oh, like a cute cottagecovered with ivy that looks like a little gnome lives init?”
He laughed. “Whatever you want,baby.”
She put her arm around his waist andgrinned. “I just want you.”
“Well, you’ve got me. I’mwell and truly yours.”