Page 55 of Kash & Bella
“I’m yours too.”
He kissed the top of her head. “We cantalk to my folks about it when we get back to Allen. In themeantime, I wanted you to know that I did talk to your dad whileyou were passed out.”
“About what?”
“I asked him forpermission to mate you properly. I know that it was important toyou that he was okay with us mating.”
“He is. He told me that herespected me asking him, but would have understood if we’d goneahead and mated each other regardless. You’ll have dual membershipin both packs, in Allen as my truemate and as the daughter of thealpha in Rhone. I won’t have membership in the Garra pack becauseI’m not a wolf, but I’ll be welcome to come with you whenever youwant to visit, even on the full moon.”
She hummed. It would bepretty cool to get to hunt with her parents. It was something she’dalways wanted. Maybe Chris could hang out with them too, andGrandpa Jake.
They approached his parents’ home,which was a two-story house nestled among towering trees and largeflowering shrubs. “I love it,” she said. “It’s like out of a fairytale or something, with the white brick and trees coveringeverything.”
“My dad built it for my mombefore I was born.”
He waved his hand toward the door andthe lock clicked and the door swung open.
Then he lifted her into hisarms.
“Oh my,” she said, lettingout a girly giggle. “My knight in shining armor.”
“You’re definitely nodamsel in distress my fierce mate, but I’m going to treat you likea queen.” He stepped over the threshold and kicked the door shut.“Again and again.”
She put her arms around his neck andnuzzled his jaw. “I’m ready to be yours in truth. So long as youdon’t mind me biting you too.”
“Hell no, I’ve been waitingfor it.”
He looked down at her, hiseyes glowing molten silver. She could feel his fae power hummingunder his skin, but she could also feel the part of him that was awolf, excited by the prospect of being fully mated.
“Take me to bed, Kash.We’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”
Chapter Twenty-One
Remy Mayfield stood on theoutskirts of the clearing and listened as one of his oldest friendswent through the mating ceremony with Alpha Jason presiding. AsKash and Bella exchanged mating vows, swiping sacred olive oil,fresh blood, and bonfire ash on their skin, his wolf hummed underhis skin, anxious to get back on the road. He’d left Allen and hishome pack after the February full moon. He was the son of a wolfshifter and an Angel Mate. They had five children: Remy was theoldest, and he had a brother and three sisters. Like his brother,Remy was destined to be an alpha, their sisters Angel Mates, whowere perfectly suited to be the mates of powerful wolves. Lennoxwas young enough that he wasn’t quite feeling the chafe of beingunder Alpha Jason’s thumb quite like Remy had been, so he was stillliving in Allen.
But Remy had struck out on his own,roaming like some wolfy version of Highlander, looking for a placeto settle down.
He didn’t know if he should just picka town and start a pack by himself, or if his destiny lay in takingover another pack. He just knew for damn sure that Allen wasn’t hishome any longer, because every pack only needed one alpha, and thatalpha happened to be Jason.
His skin prickled and herolled his neck. Being near Jason and not being part of the packmade his wolf unhappy, but Kash had reached out and asked him tocome for the celebration. Not only were they officially matingbefore the pack, but they were also getting married. Bella’syounger brother Chris had apparently gotten ordained online and wasmarrying them.
Someone moved near him and he glancedto the side to see his mom. She gave him a soft smile and steppedup next to him, resting her hand on his shoulder.
“I’m so glad you could comeback, I know it’s not easy,” she murmured.
“He’s my friend, Idefinitely wanted to be here.”
“Any luck?”
He shook his head. He’d been travelingfor almost three months and still hadn’t figured out where heshould settle down. He’d started off going south, living in an RVhe bought from an Allen pack member. It was a small RV, really justone room with a couch that turned into a bed, a tiny kitchen, and abathroom. But it would do the job until he figured out what he wassupposed to do.
He took odd jobs wheneverhe stopped, fixing cars like he’d grown up doing as he turned awrench in Pete’s Garage, where he’d been working since he’d fallenin love with cars and how they worked. He had a motorcycle on arack on the back of the RV, which gave him freedom to explore. Butno matter how much he traveled, how many states he passed throughand people he met, he felt unsettled.
Being back in Allen made him feelworse.
“I do,” Bella said with asniffle.