Page 27 of Road to Salvation
I grind my teeth together as his words hit a sore spot for me, and I let out a frustrated sigh.
“I don’t know. I came home one day and found my mother dead. Just a few weeks ago in Familiars class, I slipped into Lynx’s mind and relived that memory. I saw her murderer in a black cloak. So if she’s alive, then you tell me.” I look around the room and throw my hands out as I get frustrated, on the brink of tears once again. “How is that possible?” I demand.
“Maybe she had a sibling?” Zeke says helpfully.
I know what they are trying to do, but it’s a moot point.
“I have an aunt, but they don’t look enough alike for you to have mistaken her. Look, I appreciate you guys trying to work this out. I think she would have come to me and explained everything if she was alive or reanimated somehow. As it is right now, all this is doing is upsetting me,” I confess.
Knots leans in and wipes away a tear on my cheek that I didn’t realize had fallen. I feel all the energy seep out of my body as I lean against him, but I know I can’t leave it there.
“I realize how stubborn I sound, and I do hear what you’re saying. So when it comes down to it, someone is either playing a horrible trick on me and my mother’s alive but doesn’t want to see me. Or she’s dead, and someone has a skill that’s so strong they can trick Ryker’s ability to see through the glamour. Either way, I’m here without an answer and with more questions than I care to think about. Speaking of which,” I look over at Lynx. “You can remember your parents but you can’t remember anything about me? How is that possible?” I ask, lost at the logistics of that.
“Now that I can answer,” Lilith speaks up with a smug smile.
I repress the urge to roll my eyes at the she-devil since she’s about to shed some light on my bestie and finally getting the subject off of me.
“There’s a common memory loss potion that we Demons use when we strike deals with humans that summon us to their plane.” My mouth drops at her admission. “It’s a loophole, dear. That’s the only other way Demons can cross over to Earth without the Doors. Although, it’s a short amount of time we can stay. It’s normally only the duration of the summoning spell the humans use.”
“Wait. There are actually humans out there who know spells to summon real life Demons? I thought that shit was just in movies and TV shows?” I snort, finding this unbelievable.
Lilith gives me a salacious smile, and I hear all of L.A.M.B. snicker off to the side. “Darling, ever heard the saying: Myths are created to only hide the truth?” My silence is my answer, and she mumbles, “What are they teaching children these days?”
“The education system is lacking, Lilith. We all know this,” Lucifer speaks up, and I shoot him a dirty look. He winks and raises his glass to me before he takes a sip.
That smug asshole.
“Well, nonetheless,” Lilith says, pulling my attention back to her. “Ouija boards, pentagrams, crystal balls, and certain mirrors have the power to summon Demons if you have the right words. There are rare occasions that people with enough passive power play around and accidentally summon one of us. Typically, we break free of their puny circle of containment, but that’s a different story. The point is, there are plenty of ways for Demons to cross over; we just can’t stay there very long that way.”
I shudder at the thought of what Demons who don’t take the proper way to travel are up to.
“Simple enough. Most Demons carry around memory spells that will act as an eraser, but for short-term memory.” She turns her attention to Lynx, and he shifts under her scrutiny. “Now, what appears to have happened here is a little more complex,” she says, getting up and once again getting close to Lynx, though keeping a safe enough distance.
‘Don’t tell her you died and came back,’ I urge him, praying he’s not blocking me out. I still don’t trust her or L.A.M.B. Knowing my luck, they would use me as a science project and not let me leave here.
His eyes dart to me. ‘I won’t.’
I let out a shaky breath and allow my shoulders to relax as I bite back a smile. I think I’m more excited that he replied to me through our link than anything else.
“My guess is they took you to the brink of death and added in a spell in hopes of manipulating and controlling you, possibly to bring you to their side. But who, or for what purpose, are questions I cannot answer.” She looks deeply into his eyes. “Can you?”
“It was the Rebels,” I blurt out. I don’t know what Lilith is capable of doing or what L.A.M.B. will allow her to do. We aren’t her kids, and I’m not about to bet their protection extends to Lynx and me, so I try to pull her attention back to me. “They took him. You’re right about your theory. They went after him because of me. I received a letter telling me to leave Purgatory or they would go after my Familiar,” I confess and suddenly it hits me, sitting here in front of Lynx and everyone… This is all my fault.
Yes, I’m glad I got Lynx back. We’ve been through all types of shit together, but the only one at fault for this mess right now… is me. “I am so sorry, Lynx.” My voice catches as my vision becomes blurry. “If I had known sooner, or if I knew how to get us out, I would have left in a heartbeat so they wouldn’t have had the opportunity to hurt you.”
Hands take hold of me as image after image of his time in the dreamscape flash before my eyes. The marks, the candles, pentagrams, the blood, the knives, ropes, chains, and the final picture of him dying takes up all of my vision.
“Mà cherie!”
I feel my cheeks being squished together and my vision clears, but instead of seeing JP in front of me as I expect, I see Lynx’s turquoise eyes staring at me.
‘You have nothing to be sorry about. I can see how much this is tearing you apart, but look at me, I’m pretty hot. I would fuck me. I wonder if that’s possible… wait… is that masturbation?’
I can’t help it; I laugh and smile.
‘The point is, whatever happened, it’s over and I’m here now. Yes, we have a slight hiccup with my memories, but like the Bat Queen over there said, she’ll be able to help get them back. I’ll be good as new, and you can get back to giving me all those wonderful handjobs besties give each other.’ He winks, and I push his shoulder, making him laugh.
Not a word is said out loud and everyone gives him a weird look as he sits down, but it means the world to me that he took the time to talk to me, and through our link. I know there’s a part of my Lynx deep down in there somewhere.