Page 28 of Road to Salvation
“Eek!” Moni squeals and flies across the room to her emergency bag. Chester must have dropped it when he came in, and Levi must have moved it while he cleaned up.
Moni hugs the bag to her chest as she flies back to Chester and gives him a look of admiration in her eyes. “You saved my bag?”
“Of course I did. I know how much your emergency bag means to you. And since we’re in Hell, it might really come in handy.” Chester runs his hand along her cheek.
“What’s in your emergency bag anyway?” Knots asks, breaking the moment.
Moni gives Knots a bright look before reaching into her bag and pulls out a cup of coffee. “The only thing I need in an emergency. The sweet nectar of life.” She cuddles with her cup before digging into her sack some more.
A throat clears, and my attention swings back to Lilith.
“Well, I know of someone who might help us shed some light on all of this, but that will have to wait until tomorrow. I have my own Demons to torture tonight, and I’m sure you guys need sleep. It’s late,” Lilith announces, standing up and walking out without another goodbye. I look over and see Lucifer, Astaroth, and Bez stand, but I don’t see Murmur.
Where the hell is that blue Demon?
Speak of the Demon, and he shall rise.
Murmur walks in with two big bowls. One is filled with a variety of nuts and another with popcorn. “The party’s over?” he questions with a pout. He sets down the bowls on the table and his jaw drops as his eyes go wide when he notices I’ve joined the group again.
“Kanotiel? Is that really you?”
“Mur?” Bez says, pausing and glancing back at us. I can’t help but squirm under the attention. Lucifer and Astaroth also turn around and look in my direction, but I soon realize it’s Knots they are looking at, not me.
Knots and everyone else around the table tense up. “Umm. I’m sorry, but what?”
“Kanotiel, it’s me, Muriel, but I go by Murmur now,” Murmur explains. He turns back to his friends. “Guys, bear with me. Just picture our old attire and his hair longer, tied back in leather.”
“Holy Hell, how did I miss that?” Lucifer says, and fire shoots up in the fireplace.
I jump up out of my seat, point my finger in his direction and yell, “Ha! See? You did it that time!”
He turns his icy stare toward me, and I pantomime zipping my mouth and sit back down. Okay, Lucifer is sensitive apparently.
“I don’t know who you think I am,” Knots begins, standing up to move around the table before us. “But I’m a Door Knight at Purgatory Prep Academy, and these are my wards, s—”
“Not all of us,” Moni speaks up, and I find her being rocked in Chester’s arms as she continues to hold her bag to her chest.
“You are right, Miss Moni. You and JP are my wards. Rez is my woman, and the princes are my friends, along with Chester and the furball, when he gets his memory back,” he says, looking over at Lynx before addressing L.A.M.B. once again. “The point is, I don’t have time to play around, so make your point or swallow it and don’t bring it up again.” Not an ounce of fear shows in Knots’ expression as he stands about three feet in front of Murmur, looking every ounce the knight that he is.
The blue Devil starts laughing. “Mate, you crack me up,” he says, slapping his knee. It all happens within seconds. Murmur’s long-ass blue tail whips out and grabs Knots around the waist, pulling him closer. Knots pulls out his glowing sword and brings it up to Murmur’s throat simultaneously.
I hear a plunk and look over to Moni’s prone form before Chester scoops her up. We all jump to our feet but pause when Murmur starts laughing. “I see you still have Alexis.”
Knots pulls away his sword from Murmur’s throat and gives him a scowl. “How do you know about Alexis?” he whispers in awe.
Murmur unravels his tail and gently pushes Knots’ arm down and away from his face. “Simple. We knew you before we fell and went with Lilith.”
Holy shit! Does that mean… Knots is an Angel?
Boom! Boom!
“Can you blame me, with that bomb of information?” I throw out my arms when Lucifer glares in my direction once again. Lord have mercy, we’re gonna need it. I bite my bottom lip and scoot away from Lucifer when the fireplace takes another beating.
He clenches his jaw but pulls his glare from me. “Okay. I see. We’ve had enough excitement for the night. We will pick this back up tomorrow morning. It’s good to see you again, Kanotiel. We will catch up later.”
“I go by Knots, please,” Knots says as he sits back down beside me as Bez and Astaroth leave the room.