Page 47 of Road to Salvation
“That was a close one, lil’ bird,” Murmur laughs as his tail unravels and sets me down next to him.
If I’m a little bird, then let’s leave this shit for the bigger birds.
Hell’s History Lesson
After our near-death experience, Murmur ushers us back to the parlor room to wait until they get Lilith calmed down.
“Delicate state, my ass. Your mother is off her damn rocker,” Lynx says, pacing in front of the fireplace. “No. I take it back. She never had a damn rocker. Instead of fucking building the damn chair, she’s been waving around the sticks in the air trying to make fire.”
“Lynx, you need to calm down,” I warn him from my spot. Instead of being sandwiched between the guys, I grab a footstool and sit between Levi’s chair and the sofa.
“Why?” he yells. “What’s the worst that could hap—”
With a poof, Lynx is sitting in front of the fireplace… as a lynx.
‘Because you used to change when you got too angry and weren’t concentrating on your shape.’ I sigh as I take in my best friend. ‘I figured you would do it again if you didn’t have your memory… I guess I was right.’
‘What the fuck? Since when do I need laser hair removal everywhere?’ Lynx says, spinning around to see himself. Suddenly his head darts down between his front legs and he ends up sprawled on the floor after the most inelegant somersault ever executed by a person or a furball. ‘Shit! Where did my dick go?’
“Oh! LYNX!” Moni squeals and flies over to him. She grabs him by the neck and squeezes him. It’s hilarious how she’s treating him like a cat when he was a human just two seconds ago. His eyes are about to pop out of his skull in pure shock, and I can’t stop the laugh that bubbles out of me.
“Did he just shapeshift?” Zeke asks, giving me a bewildered look. “How is he able to do that when he doesn’t remember you?”
“He doesn’t.” I try to hide my smile. “He would always accidentally shift when he got upset.”
Knots howls at my confession and hits the chess board, making the pieces jump.
“Hey, that’s cheating,” Chester whines, glaring up at Knots as he tries desperately to put the pieces back correctly. Huh? Had they started a game? How long have we been here? When did they have time to start?
‘Well, look who just turned himself back into fur boots,’ Knots says.
‘I have a sudden urge to piss on you. I knew I should have done it last night while you were sleeping,’ Lynx growls. Moni lets go of him, giving him a wide berth.
“Oops. I forgot.” She blushes and turns a cute pink. “He’s really a guy and I shouldn’t be doing that, huh?” she asks, turning to me for direction.
I just shrug. “Honestly, if he’s a cat, I treat him like a cat. If he’s a human, I’ll treat him like a human. For a long time, I just thought it was all in my head, so just go with it.” I laugh.
Lucifer picks that moment to walk in and quirks his brows as he looks around. If you’d blink, you’d miss the half smile that appears when he sees Lynx lifting his paw and retracting his claws.
“Well, I see you’ve kept yourselves occupied,” he announces as he sits down before he conjures up some black licorice and takes a bite.
Moni lets out a squeak, and all eyes turn her way as she stares at the gross candy. “I just knew you would like that stuff.” She nods to herself.
“Yes. I made it. I enjoy the taste,” he admits. I wrinkle my nose at the admission, but quickly shake my head to address the elephant in the room.
“Is Lilith okay?” I ask.
“Astaroth is helping her calm down,” he says with a pinched expression. It’s easy to know he’s concerned by the crinkled lines around his eyes.
Bez and Murmur come in and go directly to the bar, pouring drinks for themselves. Something tells me I might have to ask for something stronger than the water I got earlier.
“So, what’s the deal with Adam?” Knox questions as he leans back against the sofa and sees the guys at the bar. “And will we need some of that?”
Bez and Murmur share a glance before they nod and start passing out drinks for everyone.