Page 48 of Road to Salvation
“Besides Adam being Lilith’s ex-husband, there’s a lot of animosity between them,” Lucifer says, accepting a glass filled with dark liquid. Murmur’s tail hands me a tall glass with a bubbly pink liquid that smells a lot like strawberries. I take a tentative sip and lose myself in the light and flavorful taste; it's so good that a moan slips out. Opening my eyes, I find everyone staring at me.
“Oops. Sorry. It’s just really good,” I say in my defense.
“I’ll have what she’s having,” Moni says, and I stifle a laugh.
“You want a Four P?” Murmur asks, his eyebrows raising but giving her an appreciative nod before he makes her the same drink. “I’ll add some Hatcha. It’s Hell’s version of caffeine.” He gives Moni a wink.
“What’s a Four P? Is that really the name of it?” I ask. There’s no harm in knowing what I’m drinking because it’s fucking fantastic. It’s something I would definitely order again.
Murmur’s slow smile makes me rethink my question, but before I can take it back, he opens his mouth. “Nah, that’s not the real name. No bartender will know it by that. That drink, it’s a Pussy Pounding Pleasure Pleaser. You're welcome!”
Yeah.. I might rethink ordering this drink in public.
He winks and hands Moni her drink.
She tentatively takes a sip, and immediately her barks turns magenta as her eyes dilate.
“Are you about to cheat on coffee?” JP smiles as he takes in Moni’s gleeful expression.
“Never! But this is a close second,” she admits before taking another sip and shivers in exhilaration.
“Um… so, yeah… um… Adam! Yeah, so why did Lilith say Adam couldn’t die? Isn’t he the Adam from Adam and Eve?” I ask.
‘And I thought I had problems. At least I’m not bright red like a tomato right now.’ Lynx laughs.
‘Found your dick yet?’ I snap with a cocked brow, but he rolls his eyes and doesn’t reply.
“Simple. He can’t. She took his innocence, therefore changing him unexpectedly. He gained immortality and can’t die,” Lucifer supplies.
“Does that mean our parents are going to outlive us?” Levi questions, appearing intrigued.
“Oh, bloody hell! Could you imagine?” Murmur’s British accent shudders as he takes his own seat.
Bez hands off the last few drinks and takes his own seat, chuckling.
“I didn’t ask what their sexual experiences were before they started dating Lilith, but if they were inexperienced, there’s a good chance.” Lucifer gives us a bored expression.
“The fact is: Adam has not been happy with his circumstances for quite a while, and his recent actions against Lilith have proven he is willing to act on them finally,” Lucifer says, swirling the dark liquid in his glass. “It was probably around the time you boys were conceived. We found out that Lilith never made it to Earth and her mates—your fathers—were there without her, so we went searching, finding her in the 7th level of Hell with a knife in her back, which Adam put there. He somehow tricked her, then convinced your fathers that she wanted nothing to do with them and to move on.”
“If someone says that to you, Chestie… don’t believe them. You’re mine forever. Okay?” Moni says, snuggling up to Chester.
I smile as he comforts her and promises that he won’t let that happen. Aww, so sweet. Someone starts gagging, and I consider Lynx to see if he’s coughing up a hairball, but it’s JP that’s making all the noise and rolling his eyes. My jaw drops, speechless, trying to find the words to berate his behavior, but there’s no need. A small green shoe slams into the side of his head, stopping him.
“Stop it, you ass!” Moni shrieks.
JP’s jaw drops, and he slowly turns his attention to his sister. “Did you just hit me with your shoe?” The incredulous look on his face is priceless.
“Well, it’s the only thing I was willing to give up at the time,” she shrugs.
Our group chuckles while Lucifer and Bez stare at us as if to say we’re nothing more than immature children. They are older than dirt, so compared to them, we absolutely are.
“If I may get back to my story,” Lucifer interjects. Moni and JP mumble sorry, and Lucifer gives them a nod. “Lilith was possessed by three demons, but we didn’t know that at the time. Turns out they were Asmodeus’ children. Needless to say, he probably won’t be happy when we deliver what’s left of their heads on pikes to him this afternoon.”
This time there really is gagging as Chester runs to the kitchen with his hand plastered over his mouth. Moni is right on his heels, sporting a yellowish-green hue to her bark.
“You guys are going to need stronger stomachs if you plan on surviving in this world.” Murmur shakes his head before throwing back what’s left of his drink.
“Agreed,” Bez says, getting up and following them into the kitchen.