Page 52 of Road to Salvation
I catch sight of something gold slipping underneath a shelf. Tapping Rez on the shoulder, I point to what I see.
“Yes. We need help,” Rez answers, squatting down in front of the herbs.
“Fantastic!” A miniature Imp pops out from underneath the shelf, scaring Rez. She falls back onto her ass and scurries back until she runs into Levi’s legs.
“Hey,” he says, almost falling and dropping the book he’s holding onto Rez. “What’s wrong?”
This Imp takes on a different appearance from the normal upright Imps we see. Regular Imps are red or black and are usually a little shorter than Moni, with long ears like Elves. Taking a closer peek, this one appears to be more like a Chinese Dragon with a gold body and pink fringes along its side and around its mouth.
Rez shakes her head and gets up. “Sorry,” she says, giving the Imp a small smile.
“Holy shit!” Levi whispers in awe, and the room shakes. The Imp stands up on its hind legs and waves its tiny arms in the air before a clear film slides over the shelves, holding everything in place as the room rocks. Levi blushes slightly. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. But she has an Illustrious Imp.”
“What’s that?” Rez asks.
“In truth, I’m one of the first Imps that were ever created. The common Imps that everyone is more familiar with are actually crossbreeds,” she informs us.
“I’ve seen your kind before. Aren’t you like the Chinese Dragons?” I ask.
“Umm. From what Lilith has told me of the outside world, not quite, but I’m glad to see you are trying to make the connection.” She laughs, only it sounds like she’s growling.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Rez, and this is Ryker and Levi.” Rez smiles as she introduces us, pointing to us respectively.
“Oh! Where are my manners? I’m Benevolent, Lilith’s helper, but you can call me Benny. Was there something I could help you with?” She bows before crawling up one leg of the ornate mahogany table that’s set along the back wall. Once she reaches the top of it, it brings her up to waist height.
“Yes. We were looking for the spell Lilith was hoping to use to restore my friend’s memory,” Rez relays.
“And if you happen to know if she has a spell for magical imprints, that would also be handy?” Levi adds, and I curl my lip at his request.
“It’s to help find out who wrote the note that Knox found,” he reminds me.
“Oh! Yeah. That makes sense,” I murmur, turning to lean my butt against the table.
“Ah yes! I am familiar with those books. Come,” Benny clicks her tongue and scurries back down the table and across to one bookcase.
Not really needing anything but not wanting to be left out, I wander over to a bookcase closer to the open door to study some of the spines. I’ve been to Mother’s residence when I was younger, but I’ve never been to L.A.M.B.’s. It was always off-limits.
“Here you go.” Benny happily points out. Rez pulls the book to her chest with glee and hurries back to the desk, opening it up and scanning the first page, no doubt in a hurry to get started. Levi is more subtle in his approach, but I know for a fact he’s busting at the seams to get back to crafting potions. It’s one thing he enjoyed in the little free-time he used to have.
I find a book on some unusual practices of sexual arousal and potions while I wait. Rez and Levi have no trouble writing the ingredients down, but what slows them down is needing Benny’s help in locating what’s already here and what still needs to be collected. Hopefully, she can at least point us in the right direction.
Seeing that they're almost done, I put the book back on the shelf and decide to wait by the door. Levi leans over and whispers something into Rez’s ear, and she sharply inhales, rubbing her legs together a moment before I’m hit with the sweetest smell in the world. Taking in a deeper breath to get another hit of her lust, a familiar scent mingles with hers right as I feel a slight brush at the back of my neck.
Reacting on instinct, I drop and reach up and across with my left hand, grabbing the arm that swings at the spot where my neck would have been and connect with a wrist. I roll forward, pulling the intruder at my back over my shoulder, while pulling out the knife that’s concealed on my pants by my right leg. As we land with an oomph, my lips curl up as the knife presses against the pale-skinned Succubus underneath me.
“Didn’t get me this time, Zissa,” I chuckle. The Demon underneath me isn’t concerned one bit about the knife that’s pressed to her slim neck. She laughs as the blade knicks her skin and a trickle of blood drips down the side of her pale white neck.
“Oh, really, Ry?” she giggles. “Does that mean you don’t feel this,” she asks, and I feel a slight pressure against my balls that has my entire body clench up as I slowly, without moving my knife, peer down. My knees are pinning her arms down, but she still has a very long blade pressed against my balls.
“Tie?” I offer, smiling down at her. She rolls her eyes and lowers the knife from my precious jewels.
“Fine,” she agrees, and I shift off of her arms and remove my knife. She grabs my extended hand as I help her up.
The slim Succubus has changed little since I last saw her a few years ago. Standing at 5’7 most people would underestimate the purple-haired beauty. But she’s like me; she doesn't want to just rely on her Succubus powers, so she’s learned another way to protect herself. It seems she likes the type of weapons that allowed her to be up close and personal with her target. Just glancing at her delicate facial features, icy blue eyes, and tiny ram horns, you would never expect her to be able to castrate you in two point five seconds.
Her painted black lips are a stark contrast against her white skin as she smiles up at me.
“It’s so good to see you, Ry Ry. I’ve missed you so much.” She squeals and throws herself into my arms, dropping her weapon in the process. Knowing her, she still has plenty strapped to her body, but I’m careful not to hurt her as I catch her and squeeze her back.