Page 53 of Road to Salvation
“Hey, Zissa! You’re looking good.” I lean back to release her. She turns and does a little spin, showing off her outfit.
She’s wearing head-to-toe black leather and boots that travel up to her knees with leather straps connecting her boots to her itty-bitty shorts, and of course, her corset top. Sexy, I must admit. Her corset is long-sleeved and shows off her figure, highlighting her slight curves.
A throat clearing pulls my attention away from Zissa, and I turn to find Levi and Rez staring my way with various expressions. Levi's stoic as normal as he folds his piece of paper and deposits it in his suit jacket. Rez, on the other hand, has her head cocked to the side and that adorable eyebrow raised while her gray eyes bore into mine. Her lips are slightly parted as she inspects me before her eyes dart over my shoulder, reminding me of Zissa.
“Oh, sorry, guys.” I chuckle. “This is Zissa, my best friend.” I smile as Zissa waves. “Zissa, this is Rez, and you already know my brother, Levi, I think.”
“Yep. Nice to see you again, Levi. You definitely haven’t changed at all,” she says, as she takes in Levi.
“I can say the same for you,” Levi replies respectfully, always the prim and proper one of our group. His eyes don’t even waiver to take in what Zissa is wearing before he focuses back on Rez. Speaking of which, I check out my woman and find her eyeballing me as if she’s waiting for something. I have no clue what, since I had given the introduction already.
Rez’s eyes seem to get bigger and bigger as time moves on until she finally withdrawals and goes back to normal. She lets out a scoff before her jaw wobbles slightly, and she vigorously grabs her paper before shoulder checking me on her way out of the door.
What the fuck?
My jaw drops as I spin to stare at the door and the table which Levi’s leaning up against, his arms folded across his chest and legs crossed at his ankles with a smirk on his face.
“What?” I growl out, not liking the idea that Levi knows something that I don’t. If he knows why Rez is upset, he better explain it, and quickly. I don’t see why introducing her to my best friend would upset her so much.
He chuckles as he pinches the bridge of his nose.
“I swear, Ryker, for a self-proclaimed lady’s man, you missed the mark on that one,” he says, shaking his head.
“What’s going on?” Zissa asks, moving to stand between Levi and me while strapping her knife back to her weapons belt.
“A few things have changed since you’ve seen Ryker, Zissa. The biggest is Rez,” Levi starts.
“Okaaay,” Zissa says.
“Our brothers and a few others, me included, are dating her. Plus, she has two mates that we know of, Knox and Ryker,” Levi says and gives me a pointed look.
Zissa visibly jerks as if she’s been slapped. Her jaw drops and her eyes go wide as she turns to me and slaps me hard on the shoulder.
“Oww. What the hell?” I ask, rubbing the sore area.
“Just feel lucky I didn't punch you in the fucking jaw! No wonder she ran out of here.” She eyes me in disgust. “You’re an asshole.”
“What?” I throw out my arms, completely missing the point.
Zissa grabs my arms tightly and gets in my face. “Okay, Ry. I’m going to break it down for you,” she says slowly. “We just had a short sparring moment, right?” I nod, staying with her. “Okay. Then we hugged it out, complimented each other, and you introduced me as your best friend, right? Are you sticking with me?” she says, nodding her head as she stares at me with wide eyes. This can’t be that serious, right?
“Then you said… Come on, tell me what you said and really think about it,” she prompts me.
“This is Rez and you… oh fuck!” I slump into her arms and squeeze my eyes closed at my blatant diss of my mate. SHIT!
Laughter has me slowly rising and glancing over at my big brother. “Do you want another black eye? You’d have a matching pair,” I threaten.
“Sure. I’ll make sure my girlfriend patches me up while she’s pissed at you for two things,” he mocks, walking over to us. “It’s good seeing you, Zissa. I’ll leave you two alone. Maybe you can help him. Hell knows, he needs it.”
Turning around, he peers under the table. “Thank you again, Benevolent. I’m sure we’ll see you soon.”
“Bye!” Benny replies, waving earnestly.
I look to my best friend and sexual mentor for help. “Think you can help me fix this shit?”
She chuckles and shakes her head before sighing at me. “I’ll try my best, but it all depends on what type of girl she is and what she knows about us. How do you actually have a mate in the first place?”
I run a frustrated hand through my hair before answering. “Quickest way to explain it is, Lilith is my biological mother. And apparently having a mate is one of her traits that I inherited,” I explain, hoping that’s good enough for her.