Page 54 of Road to Salvation
“Okaaaay. Okay. Yeah, that would explain it. So, what all does she know about us?” she asks again.
“Ugh. She knows nothing. What we had was in the past, and you’re the only friend I have outside of my family,” I admit. I know it’s sad, but it’s true. Everyone else that wants to hang out or come around is there because of my status and what I can do for them, and always in a sexual way. Zissa has been the only person who stuck around after Lilith asked her for help teaching me how to feed properly as an Incubus.
“All I know is that I’m excited for you and I would love to have a girlfriend, so you better not fuck this up,” she pokes me in the chest.
“Well, help me get her back!” I yell, trying not to panic, but it’s obviously not working.
“Okay, so here’s what we’re going to do,” she regards the room with furrowed brows and shakes her head. “Wait, we need to go bigger.”
Shit! What the hell have I gotten myself into now?
Bartender, I Need an Upgrade
I wonder if you can upgrade shit at the market here in Hell. Or wherever I was going to buy these ingredients. I mean, we can do it back on Earth, so why couldn’t we do it here? “Hi, I have an Incubus and his brain is malfunctioning, so I would like an upgraded model, and yes, I would like the extended warranty.”
Rez. Just Rez. Levi is his brother, but I’m only Rez. Not his girlfriend. Not his mate! He’d rather play fight using blades with a hot chick in sexy leather—his “best friend,” who I’ve never heard of—than admit that I’m something to him.
I guess I could have waited a little longer to see if Ryker was going to pull his head out of his ass, but honestly, I don’t have the time. It’s Friday, so I only have today and tomorrow to get these ingredients before I have to go back to Purgatory and watch Levi sign his life away to Emer.
The good news is while I was immersed in the book Benny helped me find, I found something that might help the guys if Emer decides to keep her promise. She mentioned she would make all the guys forget me, so I figure that’s another memory potion she’s going to use. So all I need besides getting the ingredients is a good charm or container to hold the potion.
Heading back to the parlor room, I’m on a mission to talk to my new bestie, since Lilith is out of action and currently resting. I’m so deep in my thoughts that I don’t hear the music playing. When I walk into the room, I’m shocked to see Lynx, JP, Moni, Chester, and Zeke doing some complex footwork and dancing in front of the fireplace.
Murmur is leaning back against the bar with his eyes closed and a goofy smile across his face. Knox has a device and seems to be recording them, while Bez sits at the chess table sharpening his machete. Knots is laying on the sofa, watching, and Astaroth stares in my direction.
Well, that’s not unnerving.
Murmur opens his eyes, and the music stops while everyone that was dancing breaks out in laughter.
“Wow! That was so much fun,” Moni squeals.
“It’s so weird not having control like that,” JP says.
“But it’s also freeing, though,” Lynx adds.
“What did I miss?” I ask, walking into the room. Seeing them laugh helps get my mind off of my asshole mate.
“I was just showing them what high mental capabilities can allow us to do.” Murmur smirks.
“So what type of Demons are you? I know Lucifer mentioned what your fortitudes were, but he didn’t mention what type of Demon. Is that even a thing?” I ask, making myself comfortable as I go behind the bar to take a peek at the drinks. I don’t even care that I don’t know how to make special drinks. I just feel like I need one.
Murmur turns to keep me in his sight as he points to himself. “I’m the original Mischief Demon.” He smiles and points over at Bez without looking. “The original asshole or Vengeance Demon.” He smirks and points over his other shoulder at Astaroth. “The original bigger asshole, a.k.a. Wrath Demon.”
I smirk at his comment. Murmur’s tail whips out and catches a dagger flying in our direction. My surprise causes me to jump and drop the empty glass in my hand. “Fuck!” I exhale sharply as I take in how close that knife was to us.
Murmur laughs out loud and slams the knife down on the bar. “Your aim is getting pretty bad there, old man. Do you need to get your eyes checked?” Murmur teases as he turns back to me.
Astaroth’s lips jerk up as his arm flings out, and I flinch in response. Once again, I hear a clang as something falls behind Murmur's back. Murmur turns, glancing down by his feet, then brings his head up to stare at me with wide eyes. Over his shoulder, I see my small glittery shield.
“Are you sure you don’t know how you’re doing that?” he asks, his tail dropping what resembles a weird throwing star on the counter.
“I’m sure.” I swallow around the dry lump in my throat.
Murmur pulls out a few bottles with his tail and mixes them into a glass, not even needing to peek behind the bar before he slides the drink to me. Without question, I throw it back and hiss at the welcoming burn but nod my thanks.