Page 18 of Dragon Claimed
Remy walked in behind her and stopped in the doorway as she watched Kaida pace. Kaida couldn't sit down yet, so she stopped long enough to say something to Remy before returning to it.
"Hi. I don't know why. I just need to move."
"The fuck? How long has she been like this?" Remy asked the group.
Azulia chuckled. "About ten minutes. I think we all need to let her go. Might be something with Plasma Dragons since no one seems to know anything about them."
Kaida shrugged. "I think that's the best we will understand about why. I just need to burn energy right now."
"Okay. First, Adrien gets a spidey sense of a vision; next, Kaida has an exuberant amount of energy out of nowhere. Can we read why people suddenly get extra powers or act totally bizarro?"
Remy's comment made Kaida laugh. It relaxed her, knowing that none of them had changed how they reacted to her, not even after learning she was a powerful dragon or had multiple mates. Now, having extra things going on with her was something they just accepted and moved on so she wouldn't freak out.
Well, one good thing about coming to this island is that I found the most perfect friends.
"I wish I knew. It's like things are lining up perfectly for something big." It came out of Kaida's mouth before she could think that through. Something about it felt right, though. Why? She didn't know.
It must have struck the others similarly after Kaida felt them all look at her with interest.
"What do you mean by something big?" Remy asked her.
Kaida looked to the ceiling and deeply breathed, "I don't know. Maybe it's because the Dark Dimension is open?"
Adrien still had the rag on her head and turned her head just enough to keep it there. "You know what, maybe that is why. Fate decides to step in just enough to power the right people and guide them in the right direction to stop this. The only problem is that we are all stuck here until our mates return for us."
Kaida shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot. They were the people who she thought would know about the barrier collapsing. It was shocking news to her that they didn't know. If anything, she thought the whole island would know.
You forgot to let them know why we were leaving.
Well, that was a mistake.
"Uh. So. Fun fact. The barrier is no longer there."
Kaida's delivery of this news had all of the girls' mouths open in response. They really didn't know.
"WHAT?!" they said in unison.
"Yeah...the other day, I had a moment of clarity. I was tired of everyone being stuck here, and I wanted a way back to the mainland so the guys and I could take back our kingdom and set things right. I wanted you guys to be able to go home and warn your people about the Dark Dimension so we can all fight this. So, I took a risk and collapsed the barrier."
They sat there in shock. All of their faces were contorted with surprise and then concern. It was Adrien who seemed to recover first.
"Let me get this straight. Your magic can close small openings of the Dark Dimension AND break a barrier that contained magic from all five species?"
Azulia frowned at Adrien. "I don't know about that. To be able to have that level of power is astronomical. I doubt Kaida would have that level of magic, even if she is the rarest of dragons." She turned to Kaida with an apologetic smile. "No offense, sweetie."
Kaida waved her hand. "None taken. I have to agree. I didn't stop and think about it before, but it makes sense that all five magics did not construct it." Then she returned to pacing.
"Then how could she shatter it like it was nothing?"
"Simple. The dragons created it. That is the only logical explanation. Everyone told us it was the five species, so we wouldn't try. Or the dragons and the witches. It would make sense that only a couple of them got together to put this barrier up and just agreed to tell the kingdoms that everyone did it, so it felt as if no one could break it," Azulia explained.
Remy scoffed. "It's not like the Lycans could have added to that. We don't have magic. We just shift into animals."
Then it dawned on Kaida. "They would have had to use blood from every species. That's not going to happen."
Remy shook her head. "Absolutely not. Lycans are suspicious breeds. We don't trust easily."
"Same for vampyres," Sundrei called out and leaned back in her chair.