Page 19 of Dragon Claimed
Kaida bumped Remy, standing beside her. "Trusted me pretty easily."
Remy gave her a full-tooth grin. "I'm not like the rest of my people. I think being a Meta Wolf gave me an edge not to suspect others so much."
Kaida gave her a questioning look, but Remy ignored her. "Okay. So, the dragons and the witches put the barrier up together. Maybe the Fae, too. That means that it was not as strong as everyone thought. Who knows? Maybe it wasn't even put together as much as we thought. Like, maybe, it was a simpler spell."
Adrien lifted the rag off her head. "That could be it. I know some spells could create a barrier like that. It would hold most inside. The only ones that could get close to it would be the dragons and the faeries because they have wings. Once you reach the barrier, it will create an attack to drive you away."
Kaida nodded her head, "Yeah, it shocks you if you get too close."
"Exactly! So many people would think, 'Nope, not risking my life,' when going near it because it can defend itself. I know of a spell that is like that. So, a witch was certainly involved."
Kaida began to pace again, "Okay. So, that would mean that the dragon who ruled at the time talked to a witch and got them to create this barrier so he could send the Elemental Dragons here. Then, every kingdom thought it would be a good idea to send those rejected to the island to put a distance between the mates and give them time to either fix their issues or just move on."
Azulia nodded. "Then every kingdom told their people that the barrier existed to keep them in, and if they crossed it, they could die from the magic. Also, it would take the person's mate to return to get them, allowing them to go through it because they can give them the right to do it."
"Yes. Tell people that only the person's mate can bring them back because the person in charge of the barrier would give them access." Kaida added.
"Interesting. That is a great way to keep people here without causing them to get the notion they can come back on their own," Remy concluded.
Kaida took in the information and tried to apply it to her situation. All her life, she was told that once you went to the island, you could only come back if the mate who was the rejectee wanted their mate back. Enzo rejected her; she came here, and he came back to get her and asked his father for access to the barrier to get here.
That means the person with access to the barrier could also tell someone no just because they think the mate is not good enough. Every person who controls their kingdom would want the strongest people together to create powerful offspring.
Then something else crept into her mind, and she had to ask, "How does it work in other kingdoms? Is there one king and queen per kingdom?"
"No," the others said.
"Lycans have their own packs. There is one Alpha that rules them all, but there are so many packs. Once someone is rejected, they must go to the Alpha, who controls the barrier, to get here."
The others nodded in agreement. They had something similar.
"Faeries are interesting creatures. We live alone, mostly like dragons. But there is a court of officials that rules us. There is a Seelie Court and an Unseelie Court. Each one loosely governs the people. I believe each court has access to the barrier. Well...what we thought was access to the barrier."
Sundrei pointed her finger at Azulia. "Yeah, the Vampyres are the same way. We have the Lunar and Solar Vampyres. There is a court of people who rule each side."
Kaida looked at Adrien, who had the rag back on her head. "What about Witches?"
"There are covens all across the kingdom. All of them have a High Priestess and Priest who rule them. There is one coven who is more powerful than the others, which I was a part of. I had my mother send me here after my mate rejected me."
"So, she was the one who supposedly had access?"
"As far as I know, yes."
Kaida moved her arms and legs out like she was shaking off water. The energy inside of her was bubbling under the skin. All of this information didn't help. Now, her skin started to crawl. It was difficult for her to realize that all the kingdoms lied to their people. Part of her thought it was to keep them safe. The other part of her thought this was their way of controlling them.
"What do we do with this information?"
The girls all looked at one another and shrugged. Adrien glanced at her and gave her a sympathetic smile. "I don't think there is much we can do about it. It is how all of our kingdoms have run for hundreds of years. Why would people want things to change when it has worked out for them all this time?"
"Ugh, I think you are right."
"Well, if anything, I would say that I think we have bigger problems than this on our hands." Adrien sat up and groaned. "The fact that I am getting visions is a clue to something I didn't think was possible."
Kaida stopped her movements and looked at her friend. It was the first time Kaida had noticed that Adrien was worse off than she thought. There was tension in her shoulders, her skin looked clammy, and her face was sagging as if she hadn't slept the night before at all and was contorted in pain for hours. Adrien looked awful.
"Did one vision do all of this to you? You look as if a stampeding dragon ran you over."
Adrien groaned again as she shifted around in her seat to get comfortable. "Yes. Visions are not easy to handle. Your body seizes during the entire duration of it, and then your mind is contorting to accept the information being shown to you. It’s physically and mentally exhausting."