Page 49 of Dragon Claimed
They were right. Their thoughts on what he wanted were right. Gemar wanted to keep Enzo and her so he could kill the others. If he killed her other mates, he could rig it so that the possibilities of heirs would only be storm or plasma.
No one moved. Enzo remained staring down at his father from within his dragon form. Kaida looked at the others, and none of them moved to shift back into their human forms to discuss anything with Gemar. The war raged below, with the cries of Dragons being hurt or using their magic rank plaguing the air. Kaida wanted to attack Gemar, but her instincts told her she needed to find Blaze. Through their bond, she could feel them nudging her to do so. They wanted to take on the Dragon King themselves and wanted her to break away to find Blaze.
Don't mind if I do.
Gemar's eyes flashed green before he shifted back into his dragon form. Kaida counted ten dragons as they materialized beside him. No shields or magic kept them hidden. Kaida wasn't sure how they just appeared, but within a blink, they were there. Since his eyes flashed green, she knew he was using his ability to control them. Gemar let out a roar, and the ten descended upon her and her mates. Enzo rushed ahead to face his father alone while the rest of them were left to deal with the other ten dragons.
The sounds of bodies colliding and the crackling of magic were the only things Kaida could hear. An Ember Dragon charged at her first. Realizing that Gemar had managed to gain control over one of her own, she did not want her to do anything more than knock this dragon out. Kaida breathed in the dragon's scent to ensure it was not Blaze. The Ember Dragon was a lighter shade of red than Blaze, but it had a similar build to his dragon, so she was unsure. Something was off from the scent that did not remind her of Blaze. If anything, he smelled like a campfire that burned up garbage instead of smelling like a normal one. She was able to clamp her jaws down onto its neck normally. The Dragon used his claws on the bottom of her stomach to open the weaker scale to harm her. Kaida moved her body back and slammed it back into the dragon to knock him off course just as she let go of his neck. She quickly built up her magic and blew her plasma beam at his face. The scales on a dragon's face were not as tough as the ones along its back, so she hit him exactly where she needed to do the most damage. She watched as the scales melted away and left behind the skull as the body plummeted down toward the water. Kaida hated that it was one of her people, but without the dragon being one of her mates, she had no idea how to rid this dragon of being controlled by Gemar.
The rest of her mates were faring well against their opponents. With Gemar being distracted by Enzo, only nine Dragons were left to face. While she quickly looked to see who would need help, Kaida noticed that only five Dragons, who were not her mates, were left in the air. The rest of them were storm dragons. There was no way she could go after Blaze yet. She rushed to their sides and noticed that Beckett had the most trouble with his battle. Both dragons tried to do what she did, using their teeth and claws more than their magic. One opened his mouth to build the lightning strike of his magic, while the other had Beckett's neck inside his jaws. Kaida gathered her magic and let it loose on the storm dragon, who was aiming its magic at Beckett. Her magic did the same thing it had before: melted away the scales on the dragon's face. She moved her mouth further down from his head and dug into its neck for safety. As the attacker fell to its death, magic flew into the other dragon, making him let go of Beckett's neck. Beckett poured his ice magic over the dragon, encasing him in a block of ice. As the dragon fell to the water, Beckett looked at her pridefully before flying off to help Arlo, who was facing two dragons alone.
Arlo managed fine because he had the magic to create binds around the dragons with vines. Since they were in the air, his magic was extremely limited in helping him win. The vines held the two Dragons in the air, but Arlo could not get close enough to use his teeth or claws against them. Beckett joined in, wrapped his jaws around one of their necks, and bit down until he could throw his head back and forth to cause damage. Kaida blasted her magic at the other, melting away its scales as she had done with the others.
Esen kept his opponent in a vortex while assisting Enzo with Gemar. She could feel the wind pick up as he tried to blow Gemar off course to give Enzo an edge. Gemar was calling on lightning to rain down on Enzo, and she could see him flying around, trying to avoid the strikes.
Kaida looked down below, and her heart jumped into her throat. The Islanders were not doing much better. If anything, they were losing against the Storm Dragons. She could see that she had not lost many of them, but their dragons were bloody and losing momentum. Kaida tugged on her mate bonds just as Beckett and Arlo killed the one Esen was fighting. They looked at her, and she urged them to look down below. They needed to do something before they lost more than they could afford.
Kaida urged them to pull back through the bond. She was met with a block, and she could see that her mates were flying toward Enzo to give him help. She could feel it in her bones that she needed to get them not to fight Gemar. With his ability to control dragons, he could call a number of them from down below to join in on his fight. His father was playing with Enzo, making him seem like he had a fighting chance again. She knew better than that. The way they fought one-on-one would not remain that way for long. The moment the king thought he would lose, he would call on his ability and call every dragon from down below to his aide. This was not something they would be able to face. Her magic was not strong enough to attack that many at once, Plasma or not.
She tugged on the bonds again, this time using her power to assist her. She didn't know if it would work, but the walls that were there before were easily blown through.
We cannot face him ourselves! We need to retreat! Kaida pushed her thoughts into the bond, hoping it would reach her mates.
She noticed their posture changed, and they were sneaking glances at her. She wasn't sure how she would be able to stop the battle below them, but the best thing they could do right now was fly back to the island and regroup.
Put all your energy into building a wall. Imagine your power overriding everything these dragons know and forcing them to listen to you. If you manage this, you can make the storm dragons stay on one side while the islanders stay on the other.
Kaida did not fight her dragon. If she suggested something, it was because she knew it would work. Considering that her dragon knew more about their magic and power than Kaida did, she would do as she was told. She took a moment to gather herself. With some focus, she conjured the thought of the storm dragons on the side closer to the beach while the others headed toward the island. When she opened her eyes and glanced down below, she noticed the storm dragons slowly flying toward the beach while the Islanders were flying toward home.
It worked! I can't believe it worked! Okay. Now they are safe. I need to make this wall.
With her next thought, she imagined a wall of her plasma magic. She felt the energy building inside of her and circulating through her body. Since she was inside her dragon form, the only thing she could think of was to let the magic loose through her mouth. The next time she opened her eyes and mouth, she could see her magic as a swirl of energy instead of the purple plasma she was used to. With her next breath, she let it loose and formed the wall between the kingdom and her people.
When she looked back up at her mates, they were all trying not to be struck by lightning. Gemar could keep them at bay with his magic as he added more attacks with balls of energy flying in every direction from his mouth. None of her mates were remotely close enough to do anything to Gemar, so she tried to push her thoughts through the bonds again.
I made the islanders go back home. STOP! We need to go home! We can come back and fight against Gemar later!
There was an indication that her thoughts went through. Kaida then gathered her power and pushed it through the bonds. I SAID STOP! GET ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WALL!
It did not work yet again. Kaida pushed energy into her wings and began to fly toward her mates to knock some sense into them. They must have felt her coming to them as they started to fly toward her instead of toward Gemar. She sighed in relief, seeing that they were listening before a shroud of black encased her. Kaida roared and tried to pull a shield of her magic around her. She could feel the black mist touch her scales as her shield did nothing.
Then everything went black.
The cold, hard floor below her face scratched against her skin. Her eyelids felt heavy as she tried to push them open. Her throat felt dry, and her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. She attempted to move her arms and legs, but she felt searing pain. It took her a few minutes of lying on her stomach before she slowly came to consciousness before she regained her strength. There were sounds that she could not quite place, like scratching against rocks and drops of water hitting the solid floor. The scents in the room were more of a musty earth and a dampness that made her feel as if she were underground. A slight scent of smoke and marshmallow called to her. The bonds inside her flared to life, but she could only feel one of her mates instead of all of them.
Kaida pushed her eyelids open, but her vision was blurry. After a few blinks, she saw she was on a leveled rock floor with metal bars a few feet away. The room was dark, with no natural light. She could see a flicker of light from flames through the bars of the cell to her right. There were a few torches with large enough flames to give her some ability to see her surroundings but not enough to guess exactly where she was. She groaned at the thought of her being locked away with no way to contact her mates. If she wanted to get out of here, she needed to figure out where she was first and go from there.
She gently rolled her body to her back. Her muscles aimed and cried for her to stop her movement, but she continued. A slight growl was emitted next to her, so she tilted her head to the left to see more bars. Inside the cage beside her was her auburn-haired mate, sitting on the floor with his back against the rock wall. His eyes danced with flames as he recognized who she was and that she was close to the bars.
Blaze jumped to his feet and threw himself against the cage. The sizzling of the magic sparked as his skin connected with it. Kaida tried to roll away from the bars, but the searing pain in her muscles kept her in place. Blaze continued to throw himself against the bars like a mindless creature whose only drive was animalistic. Tears welled up in her eyes as she watched her mate do whatever he could to try to break through the bras to get to her. It would have felt more romantic if it hadn't been for the deadness in his eyes, as if he did not know who she was.
What can I do? How can I get him out of this?
The only way that we can save him is through our bonds.
Kaida was not sure what that meant. It could have been anything from completing the bond to pushing her power through it, like during the battle. With those being the only two options she had, the only one that could work right now was using her power through the bonds. Hearing his skin sizzle against the bars and his body thumping, Kaida had difficulty focusing on the task. She did her best to clear her mind and ignore the sounds of Blaze wanting to kill her to call upon the bonds inside of her.
She could only see black with the view of her purple flame at the center. Around her flame were the four flames representing her mates, with one ombre red flame that was smaller than the others. With a glance at the others to ease her mind about their predicament, she saw that they were still vibrating, with no indication of the black Dark Dimension ring as Blaze had once. Then she looked at Blaze's. There was no black encasing his red flame this time. The only thing different from the last time she saw it was its size. If she had lost some of the relationships they were building, this would be harder than she thought.