Page 50 of Dragon Claimed
With some focus, she could zero herself in on Blaze's flame. She pictured her hands hovering over it and her purple magic encasing the flames to assist her. At first, she pushed the magic gently toward Blaze’sflame so as not to overwhelm it. The flame danced as it flickered larger flames. She felt the heat against her skin, threatening to burn her if she continued.
She couldn't give up now, though. That is exactly what Gemar would want.
Another wave of her magic and power pushed into the flame. A small bit of lime green was inside the middle as the flames flickered outward. Kaida recognized the green of Gemar's ability, telling her that he was still influencing Blaze to force this attack. Kaida pushed harder for her magic to cut through Blaze's flame and zero in on Gemar's control. Her purple magic flickered against the lime green, sparks flying everywhere. As the lime green faded away, a hint of black was underneath. Kaida focused a little more and pushed her magic harder. The black disappeared as if it exploded out of the flame.
The roar from Blaze and the sound of his body connecting to the bars further away pulled Kaida out of the trance she was in to fight for Blaze's control over himself. When she opened her eyes, he was breathing heavily on all fours. She didn't say a word, giving him the time he needed to regain composure.
I hope this worked. I don't even know if this will help. He could still hate my guts and try to kill me.
Blaze lifted his head and stared into her eyes as if he could read her thoughts. Kaida held her breath as she waited for his response. His face was twisted in pain at first, then changed to recognition, then something she couldn't figure out.
"How did he manage to capture you? They were supposed to keep you safe. How did Gemar capture you when you had four powerful dragon mates to protect you?" Blaze whispered to her, keeping his gaze on her before he bowed his head and emitted a growl.
Well, that’s not what I expected him to say.
It was interesting to hear him so vulnerable. She had never seen this side of him, and she wondered what it meant. Did he still hate her? Or did he regret the actions that had led him here? She didn't want to push her luck and ask the wrong question.
While moving her body slightly to sit up, Kaida tried to recall the last thing she remembered. The only thing that came to mind was the black smoke. It was different from the dark dimension’s mist. She was able to keep control of herself and her dragon. It also felt more like pressure than it did smoke.
"I don't really know. All I can remember is black smoke."
"It's the witch he is working with. He has some ties to the dark dimension and can wield its power like we can with our magic."
Kaida tried to growl, but it only hurt her chest and throat. She tried to swallow the small amount of spit in her mouth before she tried to talk again. Blaze must have noticed her struggle and pointed toward the other side of the cell.
"There's a plate of food and a glass of water over there. It's not much, but it is enough to keep your body working so you don't die."
Kaida lifted herself enough to see what Blaze meant. With her muscles aching with every move, she felt as if lying on the ground was the best thing she could do. Until the aches went away, this is where she would stay.
"How long have I been out?"
"I don't know. There are no window rooms here, so I can't even guess how much time has passed. I know you have been here for at least a few hours since I woke up. I didn't even know it was you until you rolled over."
"Were you the one who attacked me?"
"On the island? Yes. I didn't want to, but my body listened to this unspoken command. I heard a voice in my head that told me to do it. I tried to fight it, but my body did what the voice said instead of what I wanted. Then the same black smoke that must have got you surrounded me, and I woke up here."
The pain in his voice was telling her everything she needed to know. He never wanted to hurt her. Somehow, Gemar's ability could override what he wanted to do. The mate bond was not enough to fight him. It needed to be completed so that he would not be affected. When she looked at him, his shoulders sagged, and his head bowed. He was ashamed of his actions and couldn't look her in the eye.
Same with the stupid Dark Dimension.
"It wasn't your fault. Gemar can take control of dragons and their will. That was how he was able to make Enzo reject me. He must have used it on you to attack me. Maybe as a way to sever the ties between us? Like, make me think you were willing to hurt me again so I wouldn't complete the bond with you."
Blaze laughed. "I think I did more damage than he ever could have. I don't see you trying to complete the bond right now."
Kaida thought about it momentarily. "There are too many bars that are warded, so we can't touch them for me to be able to do that."
When he looked at her this time, his gaze was filled with the fire of wanting more. He knew the meaning of her words and wanted what she suggested. Inside their bonds, she could feel a difference inside him that was not there before. Kaida looked up at the ceiling and bit her lip.
I don't want to get ahead of myself here.
"You were being controlled, Blaze. I'm not going to use that against you."
"I wasn't always under that control." He said it as if he were condemning himself. He didn't want her to complete the bond just because it was there. Blaze didn't consider himself worthy of it. "My choices should make you want to hightail it away from me. I don't understand why you continue to fight."
Something about those words gave Kaida the strength to force herself to sit up and look at him. His head was still bowed so that she couldn't see his face. Their bond told her enough of what he felt for her to say what she needed.
"Everyone makes mistakes, Blaze. That's the whole point. Mistakes are lessons as long as you learn from them. What makes you think that I will make the same mistake I did with Enzo and not fight for you?"