Page 55 of Dragon Claimed
"Why breakfast? The sun is going to set soon," Blaze asked the guys.
Arlo said while grabbing a pancake from the plate, "It's the Quickest and easiest to put together, and we know you love breakfast."
"Why is it about me?"
"It's not. Just a happy coincidence," Beckett told him while grabbing a couple of sausages.
Kaida watched Blaze narrow his eyes before settling on piling food onto his plate. He didn't believe a word they said but left it alone. He looked at her with a piece of bacon near his mouth.
"Fine. You're up, Princess. You're gonna be able to explain everything better than me. I'm still foggy on the specifics, and they need to know what the bonds did to your magic."
The guys snapped their attention to Kaida; she wanted to smack Blaze for it. "Nice. Let's just drop that bomb on them. Ugh. Okay. I'll explain everything the best I can."
Kaida started with them being in the cage, and Blaze tried to break through it. It was interesting as she looked back on it that she was able to bring Blaze back from the Dark Dimension and Gemar's power. It felt like it was more on instinct than anything. The guys stared at her and would sneak glances at Blaze the more she talked.
"You were able to bring him back through the bonds?" Beckett asked her.
"Yeah, it was the craziest thing. Because of his flame inside the bonds, I could see exactly what was happening. All I had to do was focus enough, and I could pull out everything affecting him."
"So, basically, if there is anything wrong with us, you will be able to tell through our flames?" Enzo asked.
Kaida shrugged. " I don't know, maybe. This is all still so new. Was there anything like this in the textbooks that you read?"
Beckett shook his head. " Nothing like this was mentioned."
Kaida then launched into the next part of the story, where she broke the warding, and Blaze's flames were enhanced enough to burn through the metal. The guys didn't have anything to ask or add to this. They mostly agreed that it seemed plausible for him to be able to do that since the bonds had been doing weird things with their magic. Blaze laughed at them when they agreed to that.
"Fellas, you have no idea. Wait until you hear what happened next."
Kaida sighed. "Okay. So, after Blaze burned through the bars and got into my cell, we completed the bond. There was this weird silvery light, and I was knocked out for a bit. We didn't know what it meant until we tried to escape and ran into Gemar. At first, all of our magic was working like normal. He was trying to say he would keep me there and break the bonds with everyone. I think we both noticed the window to the courtyard and thought the same thing. That's when Gemar said he would keep me there, and my instinct was to attack. My magic was… different."
"Different, how?" Enzo asked her.
Kaida looked at Blaze for a way to explain it. He looked at the others. "She used Enzo's magic. It was Storm magic mixed into her own."
Enzo's mouth dropped open, but he quickly collected himself. "How is that possible?"
Beckett straightened himself in his seat. "The silver that links us all inside the bond. It's connecting us in ways other bonds don't."
It looked like a lightbulb went off in Arlo's eyes. "The silver is another layer of magic. It can feed our magic into Kaida as her power has bled into us. Her power amplified Blaze's magic, and that's how he could burn through the metal even though it was warded. Then it allowed Kaida to use Enzo's magic with her own."
Enzo followed his thoughts. "Plasmas were considered so dangerous. Not because they could mate with each type of dragon. It's because of their power and ability to combine magic to become more powerful. That kind of magic means Kaida is a powerhouse, which explains why they were always on the throne when they were around. Who can contend with that? Her magic can melt away scales and defeat any opponent."
"Your father wanted it to be just me and you so other Plasmas could be made. He thinks that he would be able to control Plasmas like you control anyone else. He doesn't know that Plasma is not one of the kinds that his gift could control," Kaida told them. I don't think he ever realized that he could never control me. My Dragon's power overrode his."
"I swear he is an intelligent man. However, he isn't showing it right now. How can he keep thinking that this will work out for him? It’s like he believes he is untouchable. I get that he is the king of Storm Dragons. The only Storm Dragon that has more power than him is me. I never let on that I could wipe the floor with him because I knew better. He always had this arrogance, and I knew if I showed him, I could take him on in a fight, it would only cause him to kill me. I knew he always wanted to remain in control, but I did not think he would become this."
"You mean a power-hungry overlord who will stop at nothing to eradicate anyone threatening his throne?" Blaze said with a smug smile.
Kaida could see that Enzo wanted to say something smart back, but it was useless. What Blaze said was too accurate for him to fight.
"Gemar planned to keep us under his thumb with his power. His arrogance blinded him to believe he would still have it, even when we took the throne. We would have been his puppets. He just didn't know that my dragon is immune to things like that, and it spreads into my mates, too."
"That isn't the only thing he is arrogant about," Blaze said amusingly as he sipped a glass of orange juice.
They all looked at him, but Kaida raised an eyebrow. "Something you need to add?"
"Oh, yeah. You finally got to the good part, where I have the missing piece of information that everyone needs."