Page 56 of Dragon Claimed
Kaida crossed her arms over her chest, tilting her head and giving him a look. "Well, go on then."
"I guess your power already seeped into me well before I was captured because I remember hearing a command about forgetting our conversation. He droned on and on about how we would never see it coming. He thinks he can jump on us by completing a surprise attack. He said that once he had both of us locked up, he could sever the bonds from Kaida to weaken her. That way, when he came here to attack, it wouldn't be something we would expect because he never comes here, and you all would be weak from the bonds being severed."
Enzo jumped out of his seat and slammed his hands on the table. "He is coming here? When?"
Blaze narrowed his eyes at Enzo. "He wanted to do it after he severed the bonds, remember? I don't know when now. His plan was messed up, so now I don't know what he would do."
Beckett grabbed his plate from the table. "We need to round everyone up. We need to prepare for an attack at any moment. Let's clean this up."
Kaida groaned. "Why am I not allowed to sleep? I need to sleep. Just because I was knocked out doesn't mean I got any restful sleep!"
Blaze smirked at her. "I'm with you. Those four can handle rounding up everyone willing to keep this island safe. We must rest so our magic and power won't fail us if they come tonight."
Esen looked around, and Kaida could see that the others were about to protest. Esen lifted his arms and waved his hands to get everyone's attention: "They are right. They’ve been through more than we can imagine and need to rest. We can handle things from here. If the attack doesn't come tonight, we can set up patrols around the island to have a heads-up and rest, too."
The rest of the guys groaned and growled but reluctantly agreed.
"We will set everything up and then come back here," Beckett told them.
Then Kaida realized something. "What about the women and children? Where can they go?"
"There is a bunker they can go to. It's kind of an underground building. We will ensure all of them are there by sundown," Arlo answered before scraping some uneaten food into the trash. "Go to bed, Kaida. We will need you at full strength if he does attack."
"I know, I'm going."
Kaida slowly walked up the stairs with Blaze in tow. He didn't make an advance on her like he did earlier and let her walk to her room. She thought he would join her, but he walked past her to his room. She felt hurt that he wanted to be alone, so she put her hand on the doorknob.
"I'm not joining you because we wouldn't be sleeping if I did. We can revisit what happened in those cells when this is all over. It shouldn't have been rushed. First times never should. It would have been different if we weren't there, and I’d had time to do it right."
Kaida looked down the hall at him. His eyes were on hers, and his gaze made her feet curl. "I don't know if I would have wanted it to be different. It was kind of fitting."
"Doesn't matter. I'll still show you what it is like to be with me properly when this is all over. For now, I'm just happy I got my head out of my ass."
Kaida laughed. "Me too."
"Don't let me forget it. I don't deserve to be easily forgiven. I was a dick, and I have a lot to make up for."
"No, you-"
"Yes, I do. Don't let me forget what I did for a while. If you do, I know the others will step in. I'd rather it be you."
With that, Blaze walked into his room and shut the door. She looked at the space where he stood, knowing that their bond would be vastly different from that of the others, and she was okay with that.
I just need this to be over so I can live out my days in peace...if there is such a thing.
Aloud noise woke Kaida up from her slumber. It was a high-pitched screeching that sounded like a very sick dragon screaming at the top of their lungs. She rolled off the bed and landed on the floor when Blaze burst through her door.
"They're here. Let's go!"
With two steps, he was in her room, lifting her in his arms and running out of her room and down to the lower floor. The rest of the guys were staring into the night sky on the porch. It was pitch black, with only a few poles lit with flames to give them some light. The moon was hiding behind a purple and gray cloud, and from its looks, it would not come out any time soon. Even with being able to see in the dark, there was no telling where or how many dragons were in the sky, ready to descend upon them.
"Where did the alarm go off?" Arlo asked Beckett when Blaze stepped onto the porch and set her down on her feet.
"Exactly where we are looking. About ten people were flying around the island to warn us when they were coming. They are a few miles out, but it was one person to fly in and give the signal when they were spotted."
"Why are we just standing here? Let's go shift and prepare for battle!" Blaze stepped through everyone and cleared the stairs with a single jump. With a blink, Blaze's large red dragon was where he stood. He walked toward the cliff's edge and waited for the others to follow him.
"What if they want to talk?" Kaida asked them. When they looked at her, she blushed. It's not like I know battle politics.