Page 16 of Emily
Sinking down to the floor, Emily pulled her knees to her chest and felt the first sob heave out of her. She couldn’t stop it.
It was like a dam bursting. Once the first tear fell, she couldn’t push any others back. She rocked on the stained linoleum, holding herself because there was no one there to hold her, wishing she could feel her mother’s arms around her again. Wishing there was someone there to tell her that everything would be okay.
She wished for a fairy godmother, for other impossible things, for someone to come bursting through the door to save her. She’d always believed in self-rescuing princesses, believed she could figure things out for herself, but if a white knight came to sweep her off her feet right now, she would cling to him and thank him and cry tears of joy.
Heck, in a fucked-up way, wasn’t that what she was doing?
Except it wouldn’t be a white knight—it would be a strange man who was willing to pay to take someone’s virginity.
But the money would rescue her.
Since she was the one putting herself up for the auction, could she consider that the act of a self-rescuing princess?
The laugh that puffed out of her finally broke the stranglehold her tears had on her. A self-rescuing princess selling her virginity to get her happily ever after—prince not included.
What a sad fucking fairy tale.
But that was reality, wasn’t it? There were no truly happy endings, but she could have a happier ending than she was going to get if she never did anything to change her situation. She would have the money to make her life better.
So, fuck the prince and fuck the white knight and fuck Ron and fuck her dad and fuck everything.
Emily was going to do what needed to be done.
If that meant selling her virginity, then so be it.
Sniffling again, she got to her feet, brushed herself off, and picked up her phone to turn it off. She glanced at the time before she did so. The auction was starting, but without power, she couldn’t charge her phone. Despite the temptation to sit and watch, it was better to turn it off so she could check it in the morning and see the final result.
This was the last-ditch effort. Tomorrow morning, she would wake up either a woman about to become financially secure or a woman who was going to lose everything. Now that the power was out, everything else was going to tumble down like a stack of cards, especially with no new job.
She needed the money.
Turning off her phone, she headed to her room and laid down on the lumpy mattress, tugging the sheets over her head. She didn’t think she would fall asleep quickly, but she was so exhausted that once she put her head down, the blissful darkness came up to claim her almost immediately.
Was he really going to go through with this?
One minute until the auction began.
It would run for three hours.
I don’t know if I can go through with this.
Unfortunately, his obsession with Emily seemed to have been replaced by Sunshine ever since he’d realized she was available. The idea of giving her a good night, of helping her, had lodged in his brain and didn’t want to let go.
On the upside, he hadn’t thought about Emily that way in days.
On the downside, he wasn’t sure that made him any better.
Sunshine was still too young for him, but she wasn’t his daughter’s best friend. Was too young really that big a deal? This way, he could ensure her first time was a good experience. That it was pleasurable. Memorable for reasons other than she was selling it.
Maybe he was assigning motivations where there were none. Maybe she was like the others on the site, selling something because she had a fantasy. Maybe she wasn’t even a virgin.
That’s it. Keep justifying it in your head because you know what you want to do.
When was the last time he’d done something for himself?