Page 17 of Emily
He couldn’t remember. So, maybe it was high past time.
Yet, when he signed onto the site, he still couldn’t bring himself to put in an immediate bid.
It wasn’t stopping anyone else.
He scrolled through, just to see, but the virgin auction was definitely racking up the bids the fastest, and Sunshine was the second-most-popular item. Bids were already close to a hundred thousand dollars.
Why did I bother moving all that money around this week if I’m not going to use it?
He’d prepared for this, anticipating the bidding could get crazy and wanting to be prepared, just in case. Normally, he didn’t spend a lot of money. He kept it in various investments and savings—not just his shops and the club, but scattered around. He’d gathered a hefty chunk together over the past few days, specifically so he could bid on Sunshine.
So, do it. Or are you going to let another opportunity to actually have something you want pass you by?
That’s what he’d been doing because it had been easier. Letting life pass him by. Focusing on Katrina. Now, he wanted something for himself, and he was hesitating.
It’s not as simple as something for yourself when it affects someone else.
Right, but in a good way.
For whatever reason, Sunshine wanted money. Damian had money. And he could finally purge Emily from his head. Sunshine had already replaced her, but she was a figment, a fantasy. When the night was over, he’d be able to move on with his life.
Ideally, without his preoccupation with his daughter’s best friend.
Even so, it wasn’t until the last half hour of the auction that he joined in the bidding, which had slowed considerably after it hit two hundred thousand dollars. It looked like it was down to two bidders when Damian entered his first bid. Heat flushed through him as he stared at the little marker that let him know he currently had the highest bid.
A minute passed.
Was that it? One bid and… no.
Another bid came through from one of the two bidders left.
Damian waited to see if the other previous bidder would put in another bid. It took about ten minutes, but he did.
Making himself wait a few minutes, Damian added another.
After about five minutes, the first bidder outbid him again.
There were only ten minutes left in the auction.
Damian upped the bid again. Two hundred forty thousand dollars.
The last time he’d spent that much money, he’d bought an entire shop. Made an investment in his future, something he could leave to his daughter and use to provide for her in the meantime.
What the fuck am I doing?
Yet he already knew he wasn’t going to walk away.
He felt hot. Nervous.
But he couldn’t bring himself to close down the laptop and go. Not now that he was in it. He was determined to be the highest bidder. He’d already gotten this far. He’d started bidding; he was going to finish it.
It was possible he could be a little overly competitive because he knew at least part of his reasoning was just wanting to win. But part of it was because he’d been watching the other two bidders, and who knew what their motivations were? The only person whose motivations he could be sure of were his own.
What if he didn’t win and Sunshine got hurt? Or ended up with a cold, callous winning bidder who just wanted to say he’d slept with a virgin? What if she had a terrible night because she got stuck with an asshole who didn’t care about making it a good experience for her?