Page 30 of Fairy Godmen
“As nice as that would be, we cannot off him,” Jake groaned. “Sweetness made an impression on him. He will be fine for a while. When he starts to get bitchy again, we will find someone else.”
Max grunted.
Angelina wiggled, trying to get off Ben’s lap.
“Need you here with me,” Ben whispered, nipping her ear.
His hot breath caressing her skin had the temperature in the kitchen skyrocketing.
“Coffee,” she sputtered.
“Anything you want.” Ben stood holding her close. Placing her back on the stool, he took her cup and strode around the island to refill it.
“What is happening?” Angelina murmured.
“That is a man taking care of you,” Max answered.
Angelina was ripped from the twilight dream in her kitchen by a hard wrap on the front door. Jumping off the stool, she went to answer the door.
“Angelina, don’t you dare open that door,” Ben yelled.
Angelina ignored him and answered the front door. It wasn’t like the boogie man was going to get her. There were already more people in her house than normally visited in a year. Who else could be coming to visit this morning’s shit show?
“Running behind?”
“Gary,” Angelina gasped. “Mack. Oh God, I wasn’t paying attention to the time. I will be right there.” Looking down, she realized she was still wearing Ben’s t-shirt. She hadn’t gotten to drag answers out of him about what happened after they got home. “Ten minutes.”
“Angelina, I am going to warm your ass for that,” Ben roared.
Slamming the front door closed, her eyes rounded in shock. She just shut the door on her clients. Gary’s laugh put her at ease. She needed a shower and clothes. This morning, clothes would have to be good enough. Sprinting up the stairs, she pulled out a sundress and sandals. Hurrying through her morning routine, she ran down the stairs. Ben stood at the bottom with his hands crossed over his chest.
“Later,” Angelina dodged his grab. “I have two important men waiting on me.”
Jake and Max watched from the doorway, keeping their comments to themselves.
“Two important men,” Ben grumbled. “How many men does my woman have?”
Chapter 9
“Sorry about that,” Angelina was out of breath by the time she reached the barn. She switched into professional mode as the door rolled closed behind her. As much of a professional mode as she could manage this morning. “Can I get you some coffee?”
“No need to rush,” Gary winked at her. “Looked like you had a full house this morning.”
“I put the coffee on,” Mack tried to look sheepish. The mischievous grin on his face told her something was up.
“Make yourselves at home while I grab the final drawings upstairs. We can get to work deciding what changes need to be made.”
Angelina hurried up the stairs berating herself with each step. How could she have forgotten an appointment? She entered each one in her phone with a series of alarms. Gasping, she patted her body. Where was her phone? She didn’t have her phone.
Damn Ben. Well, damn Ben and Jake and Max. All of them. Men. Just cover all the bases and stick with damn men.
Quickly gathering her things, she made her way down the stairs to start the meeting. These men were spending a great deal of money with her. They deserved to have her complete focus. Pulling herself together, she displayed the drawings for them to consider.
“All three done?” Gary marveled.
“All three done,” she confirmed.
Mack stood to study the picture Angelina tacked to the board while Gary looked at the one on the table. Angelina watched as they silently communicated. The men had their own way of doing things and a language only they understood. She didn’t question it.